Rescue me... from going public

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Musical inspiration for this chapter:

for him. – Troye Sivan, Allday

We are runnin' so fast

And we never look back

And whatever I lack, you make up

We make a really good team

And not everyone sees

We got this crazy chemistry

Between us

And we take jokes way too far

And sometimes living's too hard

We're like two halves of one heart

We are, we are, we are

You don't have to say I love you to say I love you

Forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons

We've been making shades of purple out of red and blue

Sickeningly sweet like honey, don't need money

All I need is you

All I need is you


After Golden Week ended, the school also started again. It was the first time after their relationship break that Joey and Seto went back to school together, and Joey felt he had so much to catch up on that he could hardly keep his hands off Seto.

As they got into the limo, they still kept up the facade. Everyone fastened their seat belts, Seto put on his uninvolved expression again, everything was just as usual. But as soon as the doors were closed and Seto had raised the dark window to the driver, Joey unbuckled his seatbelt again and sat on Seto impetuously as the car began to move.

Joey knew they would keep their distance in the school day - at least for now, but soon, everyone would know, and his whole body tingled at that thought. Before Seto could say a word, Joey took the latter's face in both hands and pressed his mouth firmly to his lips. This elicited a soft, pleasurable sigh from Seto and he pulled the back of Joey's head even closer to him, clawing his hands into his hair. Joey's tongue played with Seto's and again and again, he sucked lightly on his lower lip.

The blond broke the kiss and covered every inch of Seto's neck with soft kisses. As he did so, he could not only hear the latter's quickened breathing but feel it all over.

„This is dangerous, my puppy," he heard Seto say breathlessly, but Joey did not interrupt his caresses.

„Huh?" the blond asked in confusion, causing Seto to laugh softly. „You could hurt yourself, all unbuckled."

Now, Joey did look up, his gaze veiled, but behind the mist, he could still make out Seto's beautiful, powerful blue eyes. „I'd be more than willing to die for this, Seto."

Seto's eyes widened and he had to suck in air sharply, and Joey put on a seductive smile. Then, he added, „What is it? Aren't ya gonna stop me and rescue me?"

Seto licked his lips eagerly and still keeping his eyes fixed firmly on Joey, one hand went under his shirt, stroking the heated skin. „No, I'll take my chances," he replied, pulling him into another passionate kiss.

Rescue me - When a dragon saves a puppy (a YGO puppyshipping story)Where stories live. Discover now