You didnt!!!!

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Chandler POV
While everyone is pointing and laughing I see Hana push through
"Now everyone one knows that you masturbate to a picture of savannah" she smirks
Savannah looks at me in shock and I start crying and I run
I run past everyone who didn't know
I run past my locker
I run past the office
I run through the doors
I run past the gates
I run out on the street and look around
Some how I got to the part of the town I didn't really know that we'll
So I started panicking until a group of guys come out from an ally and start beating me

"Hey u if u want to beat him up u have to go through me!!" Someone yells

Savannahs POV
I stare at chandler in shock I never knew he liked me back
He looked at me and started crying I was about to say something until he ran
I gave Hana a death glare and ran after chandler
I was to out of breath to scream his name so I just ran after him
He stopped and so did I so I could catch my breath until a group of boys come out of an ally and start beating chandler

"Hey u if u want to beat him up u have to go through me!!" I scream making them all stop and face me
Two of them started walking up to me
"Oh shit" I mumbled under my breath
They all surround me and I beat them all
I run to chandler who has a bloody nose and a black eye
I pick him up and carry him home knowing that he lives across the street from me
I knock on his front door and his mom answers the door and stares at chandler in horror

She grabs chandler and invites me in until he awakes so I gladly exept it
I've been in there house before because our moms are really good friends so chandler and I have been best friends for years until my dad left did I mention he's in the war no? We'll he is and he left to Iraq three years ago and that's when everything fell apart

Chandler left me for the populars
My dad left to Iraq
I've been getting bullied
And I started cutting

' I look around the room crying chandler left me and his friends beat me today so I look around and notice a razor so I grab it and smash it on the ground stomping on it until I noticed the blade
I grab it and slice my wrist 6 times and cried I hate my life'

I snapped back to reality and noticed chandler walking down the stairs

"Chandler!!" I yell running to him hugging him

"What happened?" He asked

"You got beat but I helped you" I reply
His mom walks out of the kitchen

"Are you guys dating?" She asks

"No" I reply

"You mean not yet" chandler smirked
I look at him in shock

"Will you go out with me?" He asks
I nod my head and in tears


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