Chapter 3. Shot or not

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Chilly winter morning. Birds chirping and the smell of fresh cold winter air filled the girls' dormitory as Ginny Weasley opened the big old windows of the girls' room.

" Excited for the day Helmi?" Asked Ginny with a smirk. Showing her excitement in her body language.
Ginny couldn't stay still for a minute. One moment she was braiding her hair and another moment she was cleaning her bedside table.

"Um, it's Friday innit?" Asked Helmi confused about what she was exactly supposed to be excited about.

"Um well yeah, but remember what's gonna happen tonight?" Asked Ginny with a wider smirk than before. Leaning towards Helmi tilting her head a bit.

"I- I don't- Oh right" It clicked in Helmis head mid-sentence.

"The ALLS!" Said Helmi excitedly and started smiling with her mouth open.

The Alls was a secret party hosted by students every month for them to drink and dance, The party was called ALLS because they included all the houses and their students from 5th to 8th grade. This was a big deal for everyone since usually they only had house parties with their own house.

"Are you gonna go with Harry?" Grilled Helmi seeing Ginny's excitement.

"Yes, I had to ask him tho. I'm not sure if he even fancies me anymore." Sighed Ginny now putting her head down a bit, not looking at Helmi anymore.

"What? No Ginny he fancies you. He was just talking about you the other day." Comforted Helmi with a smile and putting her hand on Ginny's shoulder to show her support.

"And to be fair he is bloody awkward and doesn't know how to ask a girl out. Remember him trying to get a date to the ball?" Helmi couldn't finish her sentence without starting to laugh, while the memory of Harry shaking and stuttering in front of a group of girls came back to her mind from their 4th grade.

Ginny also started giggling while trying to keep a serious face.

"Besides tonight he will probably get drunk and confess his feelings towards you anyway." Continued Helmi with a small giggle.

"It would be brilliant." Stated Ginny while starting to blush a bit.

"So you going with Diggory?" Ginny changed the subject from her to Helmi.

"Yeah, but I honestly don't like him drunk he gets too wasted and doesn't know how to act." Answered Helmi with concern on her face.

Ginny didn't know how to answer. She just had an understanding face that showed her compassion.
"Well, you can always hang out with us if you want to" She finally spoke.

"Thanks, Gin. But I think it would be better for me to make sure he is okay." Stated Helmi with a grateful tone.


The day went slow since everyone was only focusing on the upcoming party. The minutes in classes felt like hours and nobody seemed to pay attention in classes.
Helmi was excited about the party but also nervous. Mainly because of Cedric.

Helmi felt a hand trace her back while she was walking to her last class of the day. She shivered since she was caught off guard.

"Hey, love!" A deep familiar voice of Cedric came to Helmis ears. While still holding his hand on her back.

"Ready to party tonight, babe?" Teased Cedric with a grin.

"Yeah, I guess." Replied Helmi with a forced smile. It's not like she didn't want to go, she was just nervous and unsure about the upcoming night. She felt anxious and for the first time, she was scared for her relationship. But she didn't know why.

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