At The Alter

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Fundy and 5up are getting married. Dream shows up, to win Fundy back and it works.
Fundy does to 5up what Dream did to him.

Disclaimer: Fundy would never go to Dream over 5up, we all know this.

WARNING:  Heartbreak, angst.


How could this happen? How could he just leave like that? After all that happened before with could he just leave? All 5up could do is watch in tears as Fundy went to Dream. Infront of everyone. He felt like his heart had been ripped from his chest. The one he loved was leaving him...on their wedding day.

He stood there in white watching as everyone gave him pity looks and stared at Dream and Fundy in shock. Where did he go wrong? How did this happen? Just a few minutes ago Fundy was all for him. Now he wants Dream. The one who had hurt Fundy so much.

5up had been nervous for this day. Ever since Fundy had proposed. They had always joked about being in a relationship and when it happened nobody was shocked. When everyone learned Fundy proposed they were all ecstatic. Ready to see the two soulmates get married.

The minister marrying them looked to the audience. "If you have any objections, Speak now or forever hold your peace." Nobody was expecting the green man to jump up from the back of the guests and shout the words "I object!"

5up stood there shocked. He held Fundy's hand tightly, to comfort him. He watched as Fundy stared at Dream wide eyed. "Dream? What are you doing here?"

"I heard you were getting married. I couldn't stand the idea. So here I am. I'm here to say I'm sorry. I love you. It has always been you. George means nothing to me." Dream said walking towards the couple.

5up was almost confident that Fundy would turn down Dream. He had heard the stories, talked to Fundy. The boy said himself that Dream was no longer important to him. Why would he be worried? He had Fundy. He had the love of his life. Had. He Had Fundy. He Had the love of his life. He didn't have him. When Fundy dropped his hand, his heart dropped as well.

"Fundy..." He started but he stopped when Fundy started walking towards Dream. He stared in disbelief. How could Fundy do this to him? He looked over at his friends. Everyone he had invited. They all looked sorry for him. He looked back at Fundy and he spoke again. "Fundy!"

Fundy didn't even look at 5up. He walked to Dream and stood in front of him. "You had broke me Dream. I was so broken and lost without you." He spoke and he slowly took Dream's hand into his. "Why should I believe you now?"

5up was watching his entire world shatter before his very eyes. "Fundy..." He spoke broken-hearted. He tried to take a step forward but he couldn't move. He couldn't breathe it felt like.

Dream cupped Fundy's face with his free hand. "I love you. I'm here to stay." He pulled Fundy into a kiss. All hope 5up had that Fundy would stay crashed seeing him kiss back. That is when he started to cry.

Fundy only then glanced back at 5up. He gave him a small pitiful smile. "Sorry Five. I love you, but-"

"I'm not Dream?" 5up cut him off. He shook his head and he kept crying. He watched as Fundy waved goodbye and he left with Dream. He watched as they walked down the isle and out of the church. He watched as he lost the love of his life. What is he to do?

He stood there in white watching as his entire world just got ripped from under his feet. The church was silent besides his sobs. Finally his legs gave out and he fell to his knees and cried while holding his chest. He was heartbroken. What was he supposed to do now? He lost the one person who made him feel he was good enough to be loved. Now he felt he was just not enough to ever be loved. Fundy just proved it to him.

He felt arms wrap around him and he leaned into whoever it was hugging him. He had no idea who but did it matter? Everyone just watched him get crushed. He started to gasp for air. He couldn't breathe anymore. Everything he had was gone. It is all gone.

"Five...breathe. Breathe with me." The voice was distant but soft. He couldn't tell who it was. He was moved so his head was against the person's chest. This had to be Hafu. She was the only one who did this. He tried to match his breathing with hers. After a little bit he got it.

He was just shattered. He sat there against Hafu not making and effort to move. He didn't want to continue on. He just wanted to disappear. He didn't want to die, just vanish. He kept his eyes on his dress. He hated that he was in white. He was in white on what was supposed to be his special day but instead it was his worst day.

He looked at everyone still in the church. Nobody knew what to do. He let out a pathetic laugh. He pulled on the skirt of his dress. He looked towards the doors of the church. He had to go. He needed to get out of there. He glanced at Hafu. Then at everyone else, still watching him. He stood up and he bolted, picking up the skirt of his dress as he ran. He ignored the shouts for him. He pushed the doors open and kept running.

5up didn't even look before he ran into the street. He didn't care. He lost Fundy. He ran towards the woods. He wanted to hide. He didn't care that his dress was getting torn. He kept running. He eventually found a spot near a small creek. He fell to his hands and knees staring into the water. He stared at his reflection and he frowned. "Why Fundy...why?" He asked helplessly.

He laid down on the ground just wanting to disappear for a bit. He closed his eyes and listened to the wind. Trying to get his mind off the wedding. Off of Fundy. He didn't want to think about how it happened. He didn't want to remember. Remember that he was left at the alter. That Fundy left him at the alter.

A/N: Thoughts? Should I do a part 2 but Fundy's pov. Also thank you for the support! It means a lot to me!

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