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"Yes, I'm sure." You said while doing your make-up, your phone left on the speaker on the bedside table. "I told you, it's not about you." You repeated as you tried to apply the fake lashes on your eyelids.

"But why? We were ready to give you Armin's bed." Eren joked at the other end of the call and you giggled a little.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just got a better offer... hear me out." You sighed trying to adjust the lashes. "A family friend said I could live with them until I'll figure out what to do, and it's free so I won't annoy anyone with my late payments and I'll come to visit you guys as usual." You explained and exulted when the lashes finally glued perfectly. "Oh yes, that's fantastic."

Eren snorted a little. "You know, if it was about the money, we could've found another solution together." You rolled your eyes, you knew he cared about you and wanted the best for you, but he couldn't understand you for shit. "My father-"

"Is the great Doctor Jeager, I know." You murmured annoyed. "I also know you would've asked him to pay for him, but I don't want you to. I'm fine, isn't that enough?" You tried to prove your point. Just because he was rich, thanks to his father's career, that didn't mean you were going to use him. Besides, you already had Levi that insisted on paying for you.

Your best friend kept quiet for a few seconds. "You're right." He decided to finally give in. "But just so you know, whenever you want, our apartment is open for you."

"Yeah yeah." You whispered trying to put on some lipstick. "You're just too kind, but I'll keep that in mind." You joked and stopped as you saw Levi entering the room, he was just wearing a towel tied to his waist since he had just had a shower. "Gotta go now, I'll text you, love you." You ended the call before Eren could answer and smiled at the man.

Levi frowned. "Who was that?" But the real question was: why did you say love you to that person? He didn't want to admit it, but he had grown attached to you he felt jealous every time he saw you with any other male presence.

You took your brush to put on some blush. "Huh? Oh, that was my best friend, he was kinda sad because I refused to move in with him." You said once you were done and looked at yourself through the mirror. "What do you think?" You turned to face him, he was now buttoning his white shirt and had already put on some elegant black pants.

"I think friends don't usually ask their female friends to move in." He commented and you frowned confused, his eyes traveled from your face to your half-naked body since you were wearing only a bra and your panties. "Were you calling him like that?"

"It's not like he can see me anyway." You answered getting up from the bed. "And I'm pretty sure he's seen me in a bathing suit, so it wouldn't make any difference." You mumbled more to yourself, totally unaware of the effect you were having on Levi's mood. "And he's not just a friend, but my best friend, besides, you asked me to move in."

He scoffed. "We're not friends." As he spoke those words, you turned to look at him, you felt a sad feeling taking over your whole body. "You're my sugar baby, it's different."

You gulped, he was right... but still. "Yeah, but... we're also friends? I mean, we spend most of the day together and you always laugh at my jokes." You tried to ease the tension.

Levi rolled his eyes. "Maybe." He walked towards you until his body was towering yours. "But I've seen more things about you than a friend would." His hand went on your shoulder and then slowly moved down caressing your arm, your heart beating way too fast for your liking and your breath almost stopped when you looked into his serious grey eyes. "And I'm not a fucking kid." His fingers traveled to your hips and firmly grabbed your skin.

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