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Y/n wandered around her household wondering what she would do to make of this boring day. "Y/n honey!" Her mother's soft voice rang throughout the empty halls and into her delicate small ears "COMING MOTHER"

Y/n ran and opened up her mothers door as she layed sick on her bed "your father and brothers have gone out to sell some wood so they can pay for my medicine" Y/n's eyes watered a bit at the fact that they were poor and hadn't had a lot of money to treat her sick mother

"Mother you'll get better I'm sure of it! Father and my brothers work everyday to make sure we can help you! Hard work always brings good luck!"  Although y/n was the beauty of her village and men had always gave her gifts of money she would never accept it due to being kind. If she was to take that money her mother would be better however y/n believed it was not right and did not take things without working for it

"Honey... my throats a bit itchy would you mind getting water from the town? It always helps with my throat" Your eyes lit up! "Of course mother!" Just then the door opened and in came her three younger brothers

"Y/N!! SISTER TODAY WE SOLD ALL OF THE WOOD ARE YOU PROUD? HUH? HUH? HUH?" He was tugging on your purple kimono with a smile "yes I am very proud your becoming a big man!"

"HEY GET YOUR HANDS OF SISTERS KIMINO" Your second brother yelled "YOUR HANDS ARE FILLED WITH DIRT FROM THE WOOD! YOUR GONNA GET IT DIRTY" the youngest brother whose name was kanji let go of your kimino and cried "WAHHHH IM SORRY" you smiled "it's fine kanji"

"And you! Mijito stop yelling at kanji he's just a baby! He didn't know" mijito rolls his eyes "whatever I was just tryna help"

"You and your attitude" your brother Nemo who was only 18 months younger than you walked in with his signature smirk... same smirk he uses to pick up girls "I don't wanna hear it play boy" mijito stuck his tounge out as Nemo chased him around the house

"EVERYONE BE QUEIT YOUR MOTHER IS SICK DID YOU FORGET THE RESON WE WORK EVERYDAY?" Your father yelled. It was safe to say your house was very chaotic but you wouldn't have it any other way

"Ah that's right guys I'm heading to town mothers throats feeling itchy and asked for me to get her some water" everyone was now quiet as they nodded at your words "Mothers going to get better right?" Kanji asked mijito "OF COURSE BEACAUSE SHE HAS US BY HER SIDE" you smiled softly but quickly headed out "I must leave now! I'll be back later!" 

"BE CAREFUL Y/n" your father screamed. You just waved and smiled as you made your way for town... "is she going to be okay" Nemo asked standing next to his father "Of course after all she's your mothers daughter as well as mine" Nemo shook his head "No I mean with all these demons cases that have been happening a lot recently"

Your father turned to look at Nemo "we do not speak of that in this house" Nemo nodded knowing the reason why. It was all because of a demon that your mother was laying on her sick bed. But the only three who knew of it was Nemo, Your father and mother....

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