Xiao - fluff

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TY FOR THE CUTE REQUEST @MemoryOfFadedRoses !!!
for like the 282728 time, IM SORRY FOR THE CHAPTER BEING LATE.


had to use 15k of my saved primogems though,,, ITS ALL WORTH IT. it was all for him anyway,,,

I was waiting for my old friend, Zhang

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I was waiting for my old friend, Zhang. since we were 11 he's helped my family out a lot!! I went up to the second floor of wangshu inn, since usually xiao is at the very top of it. I don't wanna bother him since he's probably finally getting a break from all his adepti work... kinda miss him bleh,, I say sticking my tongue out slightly, in a disappointed expression.

"oh, Y/n!" a male voice spoke, and it was Zhang! "hello!" I waved at him. In the corner of my eye, i could see xiao walking down the stairs of the inn. Zhang suddenly just hugged me, it did shock me, but I hugged back in a few moments.

Xiao stopped right on his tracks...

- Xiao's POV -

who is that..does Y/n like someone? has she left me? why is he with them. Tch.. I should leave it's not my business. but. I sigh, what has gotten into me.

- Y/n's POV -

sooner or later, he started walking again, but then stopped for the second time.

"Y/n. You still owe me almond tofu. don't forget." he mumbles walking over to the two of us. is he jealous again?? oh well this might not go well... I didn't and don't think of Zhang as a crush or a potential lover, not at all actually..

he sat next to me and Zhang, preparing to eat. I chuckled, "ah, ok!! don't worry I won't forget" I say not minding he's here, I enjoy his company! even if he doesn't talk or say anything, he's still listening, and that shows he cares.

Zhang looked quite confused, or, disappointed. his mood went down instantly..hmm... well, I know what that means.... oh no... "what are you guys getting?" I ask, xiao of course says "almond tofu." And Zhang just says "hmm some jade tea!"
"ok! I'll get some almond tofu too!" I told them

"I'll go get it, Y/n come with me.." Xiao says grabbing my wrist, "wait what-"

he wasn't aggressive, his hands were gentle and warm, which I loved. people say he's so cold and distanced, but I know he really does care, maybe more than anyone. he's been hurting for years for what happened to his friends...

xiao's face was such a light pink! he looked a bit upset too...

"xiao? did I make you feel sad??" I ask poking him, concerned at this point since he was actually showing some emotion... he stops while walking down the staircase, to look at me.. his eyes looked a bit hurt, a bit angry as well. and his cheeks were barely visibly pink...

"I'm sorry..." I say cupping his face in my hands. "I don't like him that way, don't worry, ok?"

he finally made eye contact with me, his face asking me for reinsurance... "really, xiao, I'm being honest!" I smile, and as my eyes were closed, xiao put his hands on my cheeks, cupping them too.

"thats,,,good..." he says, putting my forehead onto his. my eyes stayed widened for a few seconds, as i blinked and blinked... he's never showed any physical emotion to this extent! I smile.  "don't feel threatened by him, he's just an old friend I had since I was 11!" I told him.

"tch.. I'm not accusing you of anything but, he seems pretty protective of you for someone you haven't seen in years." xiao says glaring up the staircase. "yeah,,, I don't know the reason for that either if I'm going to be honest" I put my finger on my chin.

xiao's eyebrows narrowed a tad bit more.

"well, it's not like he's gonna take me away or something" I chuckled. "just know he won't,,,beat you..." I put my hands on my hip, trying to make it less embarrassing, as xiao had an expressionless face.. "I see." he says patting my head and he kept walking down the stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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