1.The Broken Bridge

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It was a fine day in Dewsinberg ,the day had almost past away leaving the sky in a shade of crimson-oranges Sitting on his chair a tall man with a cigar squeezed between his lips blew smoke all throughout the room, a shrill sound yells in a rather disappointed tone "Dad u ain't supposed to smoke , it isn't good for your health" he replies in a rather calm manner "Stephanie you don't know what a man's hardship can lead him to" she then replies simultaneously "Shove it and help me with this luggage we do need to go to grannies house" she said *pantingly* with a large cartoon in her hands. While Stephanie was loading the car with her luggage she noticed a charm an ominous one "this must have found its way from the attic ,anyways "she dumps it along with the rest of the luggage and ignites the engine of the car, GRRrrrrrRRrr rattles the engine while it ignites. Noticing the sound of the car Stephanie's dad picks up his luggage and sits on the front seat of the car.

 Noticing the sound of the car Stephanie's dad picks up his luggage and sits on the front seat of the car

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Her grandmother lived north of Dewsinberg which takes about 2-3 hours to reach by the highway. However Stephanie sought of a different route midway it was a one-way. The road wasn't used much but still had a ton tire marks and the road looked quite maintained but there was an even weirder thing was the sign board that said Bridge Ahead!!!! As they moved further in the journey in about a 5miles or so there was a Bridge it was about 500meters in length and the width was enough for two busses to fit but something was odd. 2Days later A news sprouted stating a headline middle-aged women and her dad were found dead!! bellow the broken bridge of Ruskfort which was north from dewsinberg it was an accident but no-one knows why the two drove through a bridge that was broke a decade ago!!! .

A few days later

A group of kids in dewsinberg didn't find the suicidal drive off real so they plan on investigating the site themselves .As it had been a week from the accident all restrictions were lifted from the site. Now the kids, their a group five , a hothead Jim, a tsundere Lucy,an introvert Moris ,a self-claimed historian Stacy ,and Stephen strong in tactics less in neurons.
As you obviously know who were interested on the accident it was Stacy and Jim kids often tend to like creepy things and try discover more .Ayways back to what I was saying Jim insisted to go while Stacy giving full support and Moris and Lucy joined in the flow while Stephen was totally against the plan he said it's too risky but the majority always convinces the minor.

They set out the next day it was quite sunny at a time of noon but it didn't seem it would last long ,they moved to the site but there was two difference from this journey and the previous one and that was the tyre marks on the road and the bridge was broken. After a few minutes of search Stacy found a charm a Japanese talisman "hey guys see what I found here" "it's a talisman how is that helping "said Jim "it's written whoever holds me at the moment of death shal lie on earth waiting for the one to redeem the" "that's weird "said everyone holding on their horses. "What's even weird is that the bridge isn't broken anymore" they got even freaked out cause they knew she won't joke on something like this she handed over the talisman to Lucy. Her hair lifted and glowed and blood poured from her right eye as freaked out they were this made it even worse .Lucy started to speak in a noble manner "kids don't come to this place ever again it's dangerous and for your friend she ain't coming back for a while but I guarantee her safety now go " they as panicked as they were run to their bikes and ride the way back panicked and afraid for they lost their friend.

Jim as sorry as he felt claimed he'd go back to the area but Morris and Stephen declined Stacy however was in grave trauma slightly pulling the t-shirt of Jim and chanting sorowly "will she be fine it's my fault *sob*why did I give her the talisman *sob*" Jim screamed at her "it's not your fault and you ain't supposed to take it all on yourself plus she said she would be back". The kids went back the next day but they found nothing not her friend not the talisman nor the blood that drupes from her eye it was as if it all never happened they all rushed back home without a word and sobbed in their rooms.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17 ⏰

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