Chapter Two: Wandering Thoughts

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Have another bc you're all amazing.

Author writing songs:
Happy Halloween - Junky, Rin Kagamine
Flamingo - Kero Kero Bonito
Screen - TOP

Namjoon pouted, scowling as his mind accidentally drifted off during a Run episode debrief meeting. Although he was staring in the correct direction, his brain could make little sense of the muffled words emitting from the director's mouth. He hadn't meant to. He was just incredibly distracted by his newfound thoughts.

Had he always liked him? Namjoon didn't know. He couldn't deny his hyung was attractive, and he'd even vocalised in public such a statement... they all had, even Jimin with his considerably protective boyfriend. He'd thought nothing of it whenver it happened: it was a matter of fact and it was entirely reasonable to recognise one's handsome features without being romantically attached.
Did he now realise, because Seokjin had changed his behaviour? Joon doubted it.

He'd spent a fair amount of time hearing about Jimin attempting his various advances on their maknae once he'd realised his attraction. He'd also seen Jungkook's responses - atrocious as they were as the poor kid figured out his sexuality... Even if at the time, Namjoon hadn't known what the behaviour was either. Neither situation seemed to fit with the current behaviour of his eldest hyung and, when he thought about it more, Seokjin wasn't really doing anything out if the ordinary.

Perhaps it's an odd phase... He wondered, getting further into his zoned out state and tilting his head, narrowing his eyes at the clock above the director, despite not really being able to read the time in that very moment. Maybe it was. Namjoon knew his sexuality and had occasionally responded to it, but he'd never truly loved someone. He simply got brief moments of attraction to the person and even if he was with anyone, its lifetime was pathetically small. Maybe it's that. He nodded to himself, forgetting that he was seated in a room full of people. Maybe it's just-

"Hmm?" The leader of BTS shook himself out of his trance and glanced towards the director. Having readjusted his senses to focus on the room, he realised every member of BTS was intently watching him in concern.
"Are you ok?"
The young rapper nodded, rubbing his eyes, "Sorry, just tired." His eyes glanced over his members with an apologetic expression, still too caught up in his thoughts to notice a curious pair of eyes firmly locked onto him.

Seokjin squinted through the misty haze, just making out the shocked expression of their dance leader beside the kitchen door. He coughed, wiping the thickening smoke from in front of him and grasping the nearest tea towel he could find. Clambering up onto a chair he began wafting the material around the smoke detector.
He'd been an idiot.
As he continued clearing the smoke, already deafened by the ear piercing screech of the alarm, Hoseok remained at the door, frozen in stunned disbelief.

"What the fuck-" Yoongi's exclamation was followed by a loud, exaggerated gasp, "Hyung! Did you burn dinner?!"
Needless to say, the rapper didn't quite need Seokjin to answer that. The state of the kitchen spoke for itself.
"Holy...!" he stifled a laugh, "Guys!! Chef Kim Seokjin burnt the food!" His call out was followed by a chorus if yelps and loud gasps from across the dorm. He hadn't meant to. He'd just gotten... Distracted.

The oldest hyung of BTS had always prided himself at having a strong, family-like relationship with the younger artists. He'd always tasked it as his responsibility to see the youngsters brought up in a mature, yet hilariously fun way and although this applied to every member of BTS, it was most crucial with their 'babies'. Much like Jungkook and Namjoon had a unique, incredibly strong bond that related to Jungkook's trainee days and how Yoongi and Hoseok had appeared to take Jimin under their wing from early on, Seokjin considered he and Taehyung to have a special, 'one-of-a-kind' friendship. But, he'd always found himself subconsciously placing a second individual under his watch, someone who, everyone noticed but, nobody minded his special treatment of. It was common knowledge leaders of KPop groups needed extra support from their members sometimes and, especially if the leader was of one 'international senstation': BTS.

More and more as the years progressed he found themselves growing closer, being incredibly comfortable around one another, to sharing inside jokes or even once or twice, allowing Namjoon to jokingly drop honorifics if they were out of public earshot. But he never thought anything more of it. Until he saw the younger's expression that night.

When he had fallen, it confused him. It wasn't like they hadn't been in such a position before. The rapper's expression was curiosity, surprise and perhaps, if he thought hard enough, he remembered hints of adoration, longing and hesitancy. A small voice within the back of his mind began taunting him with exactly what such meant, but he didn't see it as worrying or something to push his best friend away for. In fact, as they'd rolled away from each other, he'd found himself feeling incredibly relieved. But why? He did not know.

"Hyung what the hell got on your mind?" A cheerful, giddy spat of laughter flooded through the kitchen and at once, Seokjin found himself speechless at Namjoon's arrival. But as he looked down into the face of his younger brother, there were very clear hints of concern at the older's uncharacteristic actions. Jin shook off the comments with a shrug, clambering down from the kitchen stool as the alarm finally stopped. Sightly tiredly, he looked in dismay at the charred food on the counter, of which its revival was impossibly slim, "Right." Reaching for his phone, he grimaced, "Takeout?"

"Joon can you please just go back to your room."
The youger rapper glanced up and grinned at Yoongi's grumblings. He'd had been banned from his studio again, having spent four nights straight there. So he was now passing his time swinging around on his bedroom chair, a set of headphones clasped to his ears chewing a well disintegrated biro top. That was until of course, Namjoon had rudely intruded.

"But hyung its a Friday evening-"
"-I don't give a shit, Seokjin isn't here at the moment and I'm stressed ok?" Their leader knew the older didn't mean to be so harsh, but it gave him the realisation of how stressed SUGA indeed was. So he reluctantly shuffled off Jin's bed and trudged into the corridor, defeated. Into the chest of Seokjin.
"Hyung!" He yelped, clapping his hands loudly. Jin winced at the sharp sound. "What movie are we watching..." his words faltered as he took in his older hyung's appearance, "Are you alright?"

The young rapper glanced in concern at his hyung's shaking frame, his colourless complexion that had been adorned with small beads of sweat. In that moment, he simply passed it off as a cold - they'd been practicing far too long recently for America and he'd lost track of keeping himself healthy. But in fact, his state in that moment was not just that. It was also worry.

"I-Joonie... Can we do a rain check?" He did not miss the flickered expression of dismay amid his younger brother's face of concern. The rapper nodded, stepping aside silently to allow Seokjin to pass into his room. On entry, he let out a groan and instantly slumped face first onto the bed, burying his head into the pillows. The sound of wheels racing across the floor echoed around the space, but Jin did not even flinch at the realisation Yoongi had transported himself via office chair to the side of his bed.

"You spoken to him yet?"
"No." came the muffled answer.

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