ch1. why did this happen to An pt.2

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2 weeks later
And moved in with a white family, the washingtons. She’s comfortable and she started back in high school.She makes friends, gets a boyfriend, and so on. So on 0ctober 27,2019 An is on a date with her boyfriend having a good conversation about different scenarios. “What if ex came and kidnapped you and tried to murder you what would you do”, said marvin her boyfriend. “ That would be interesting. I would kick him in the nuts; grab his weapon and use it on him, If I dont I would be giving him a chance to grab it and kill me.”She replied with a serious and sincere answer. “Okay good defence”, he said with an interesting surprise. They talked for a while at a cold, noisey,red booth. In front of the window of the restaurant. He told her he needed the bathroom and would be right back. She waited for a while and went to find the bathroom. Soon she found out there was no bathroom. “What type of restaurant doesn’t have a bathroom?Where is marvin?He might have just left!But why?” she thought of trying to piece together a puzzle that doesn’t exist. She paid the bill and walked home. It was a silent, dark,shivery,thin,and moisturized midnight. It was pitch black on glenvue and palm street.She’s at the beginning of the block when a car pulled up beside her and someone jumped out. They start chasing her and she does see their face.She trips on the curb *bam* face flat on the curb.Seconds later she gets a shiver down her spinal cord and the hairs on her skin.*flap flap* the hairs on her skin swing back and forth. The person walks up behind her as she gets up. She gets a closer look and sees someone she knows. “Marvin... what the hell man; what are you doing?Why did you leave me at the restaurant” she asks, not paying attention to what he has in his hand. “ So many questions...too many at that...but you're asking the wrong questions. The one you're supposed to ask is what are you about to do to me?Why are doing this?what did i ever do to you?” he told her as he stood there ,about to get started.She responded with sarcasm “Well when you actually do something call me so i can ask those questions…FYI, I was getting there until you interrupted me.” “Well thats no way to talk to your murder” he said with a smurk on his face. She responds with irritation “If you're done being weird can I go home”. “No,”he responds, confused. “Well then ,what are you going to do to me?Why are you doing this?What did I ever do to you? Now can i go home”,she says with an attitude. He wraps the rope around her throat and says “still no''. As she slowly loses her breath she thinks to herself “ of course I fell for a sociopath now I'm going to die.''*......* The silence after she lost consciousness.No heart beat, no pulse, no breathing, nothing absolutely nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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