10. Shop of the Year

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George was absolutely swamped with customers after releasing his new prank item. It was supposedly nearly impossible to wash out of clothes, and it would have you smelling like honey for months. All the pranksters of Hogwarts were in line to get their hands on it, including the four students who had helped Jack sneak into the Hogwarts Quidditch Stadium.

Jack himself was not incredibly busy with customers, but he was busy with someone incredibly important

"So you have almost everything here?" Jane asked

"Indeed I do darling. Tell me, what have you wanted your entire life, but just couldn't get?" Jack replied

"Well, I always wanted a gentleman who treats me right and shows me tons of love and affection" Jane said with a smirk

"I'm pretty sure you have one of those. But what's the thing after that?"

"You know, I always wanted a Harry Potter chocolate frog card. Never got one though. I was a big collector when I was a kid, and sort of carried on in adulthood, but I was never able to find Potter's"

"Ask and you shall receive my love. Follow me."

Jack led Jane to one of the shelves of his shop and grabbed a chocolate frog box

"There no chocolate frog anymore, I made sure of that, but go on and open it."

Jane carefully opened the box to reveal a signed copy of Harry Potter's chocolate frog card

"No way! How'd you get this?"

"Well, I have met Mr. Potter in the flesh before."

"And he signed this for you!?"

"Yeah, he's was real nice about it."

Jane wrapped Jack in a tight hug that caught him by surprise

"Easy there darling, I've just finished lunch and I don't want to try seconds." Jack said

"You know you're the best right?"

"Well I try to be. Come on, I've got more to show you."

Jack led Jane by the hand to show her the rest of his shop. While the two were on their little tour, an older man stood in the middle of Diagon Alley and raised his wand to his throat to make an announcement.

"Attention ladies and gentlemen, will all store owners please convene outside their respective store. The results of the Shop of the Year contest have been finalized."

Jack and Jane walked out together and saw George across the way

"Rather exciting isn't it!" George said

"Yeah, it is. Who do you think is gonna win George?"

George looked around and leaned in so that his voice was just a whisper

"Don't tell anyone, but half of Diagon Alley is betting on you to win. There's about two thousand Galleons of combined wagers up for grabs. The other half is betting on Leonard's to win again."

"Oh, and uh, who'd you bet for?"

"I put 200 Galleons on you, so don't let me down mate. Gotta go back to the shop, good luck!"

Jack let out a nervous chuckle after knowing that little fact from George

"Well, George seems to be more confident in you than yourself at times." Jane said

"I know, and I don't know how he doesn't it.
I mean I'm confident, but he's on a whole different level."

Three older judges were waking to each store handing out results and rewards to each of the shop owners. The judges would announce the top five shops picked by the people, and each of those five gaining a sizable reward in Galleons with first place receiving 20,000 Galleons. Jack had not set out to win in the first place, and it was his first year on Diagon Alley, so half of him didn't expect his shop to win, but the other half wanted it so badly. He wanted to prove he was the best store on the street, even if it was only his first year. Once the judges had finished delivering the small prizes to the shop owners, the lead judge once again made an announcement.

"Well ladies and gentlemen, this was probably the most exciting year for this contest, and the results only solidify that statement. We'd like to congratulate each and every one of you for the hard work you put in as shop owners, and we especially would like to thank and congratulate our top five stores: Ollivander's, Flourish & Blotts, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, Leonard's Luxury Goods, and Night's Nearly Everything Emporium. These stores have truly been great at delivering to their customers with such high quality goods, and because of that, they are our finalist. So, without further ado, here are the final results..."

Jack tensed up and began to pace, he had never been this nervous in his life

"Oh love, calm down, you're already a finalist. I couldn't be prouder of you, no matter what place you get." Jane said pulling him back and giving him a hug to comfort him, but also to keep him in place. Jane laughed internally at the fact that she had to hug her boyfriend to stop him from pacing back and forth. It was the only way to stop him. Jack didn't mind at all, he enjoyed hugs.

"In fifth place, is Flourish & Blotts. Congratulations, and here are your winnings."

The two other judges handed the owners two large bags of money. The entire alley was silent with apprehension and suspense, waiting for a winner

"In fourth, is Ollivander's. Congratulations to you Mr. Ollivander."

Mr. Ollivander was given three large bags of money and people went over to congratulate him.

"In third, is Weasley's Wizard Wheezes! Congratulations Mr. Weasley."

The judges handed George his winnings, and he was ecstatic. A single tear rolled down his cheek, for Fred, who wasn't there to celebrate with him.

"And finally, ladies and gentlemen, we'd like to announce our winner. This was the closest race for first place the Shop Owners Association had ever seen. It was decided by four votes, and those were from Hogwarts students none the less. So for those of you young students out in the crowd, just remember that your voice can indeed make a difference. Without further ado, the winner of the Shop of the Year Award is..."

You could hear a pin drop, people were holding their breaths, and the suspense was deafening

"...Night's Nearly Everything Emporium!"

The street erupted with cheers of joy, there was a new winner, and it was the first year shop owner nonetheless. Jack couldn't believe his ears, he had actually done it. Confetti was flying all over the place, and George was setting off fireworks already.

"You did it love! You won!" Jane exclaimed.

Without thinking twice, Jack went in for a kiss. The two melted in each other's arms both as they shared this moment of pure happiness. When they finally separated, they looked into each other's eyes, the world seemingly stopping with the two of them in the center of it.

"I love you Jane."

"I love you too Jack."

The judges made their way over with the six bags of money and a trophy nonetheless. Jack grabbed one handle and told Jane to grab the other, a photographer from the Daily Prophet took their pictures and a reporter followed up after

"Mr Night, any words for the Daily Prophet?"

"This is one of the happiest moments of my life, and I'm glad I got to share it with the love of my life. Use that!" Jack exclaimed

Jack looked out into the crowd as he stepped on a makeshift podium brought out by George, this was the best thing that could've happened to him. One arm around his beautiful and loving girlfriend, and the other holding the Shop of the Year trophy. Jack was on top of the world.

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