The last kiss

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TW!! mentions of suicide, please do not read if this is going to trigger you in anyway, and if you need anyone please know i'm always here. my instagram is @ginnydcv ! please don't hesitate to message :)
Song- Claire de lune

Life. It's a funny thing isn't it. So fragile, so delicate. Bad and evil both lurking around each and every corner. As my father once told me, we both have light and dark inside of us and as we wish or desire to choose which one we act on.

I sat looking over the edge of the bridge, the water flowing quite rapidly underneath me. I'd only been on this earth for 16 years, but i felt like something was missing. I didn't feel like i belonged here anymore, like my time was already up. I was ready to be greeted with my father again, wherever that would be. Tears filled my eyes as i looked up at the moon, glistening over everything. My hands were shaky, but not as such in a panic. More as a anxious, ready to leave type of way.

I helped myself up, still admiring everything for one last time. Suddenly, i heard footsteps approach from behind. I nervously turned to see the red haired boy panicking. George Weasley. Very handsome, tall but lanky. Freckles filled his face. Me and him had been together for around 3 years. Of course i loved him, so much but i knew he'd move on. As any other person would.

"Elizabeth don't do this, please" He pleaded, tears streamed down his face. He stepped closer to me, step by step. I put out my hand to caress his face gently. I smiled, tears falling from my tired eyes. "I love you Georgie, i always will" I let the words gently flow out of my mouth.

He placed his hand on top of mine. "Lizzie, i need you, Harry, Fred, Ginny they all need you. Mum, mum thinks of you as her own, she'd be crushed. Your dad, he'd want you to be happy" He started to choke on his own words.

"This, Georgie this isn't making me happy. It's my time, i just know it. This world, it's too cruel, i can't live like this. Harry, i don't know how he keeps going, but he knows that it's not his time. You'll understand one day" I watched as he fell down to his knees. I slowly dropped down next to him, stroking his hair slowly. It now started to rain, quite heavily.

I whispered into his ear "I promise you, i'll always be with you no matter what, you'll move on and forget about me yeah?" I gave him a soft smile wiping the tears from under his eyes. Deep down he knew he couldn't stop me, no one could. After the loss of my dad last term, i wasn't the same. He was the only thing i had left and now he wasn't here anymore. I had to let Harry and the others fight this battle on their own.

"I love you Georgie" I placed my forehead onto his. "I love you too Lizzie" He lifted my chin up to give me a soft but passionate kiss on the lips, our final goodbye.

"Come back, we can sort things out together i promise you" We both stood up together. I took one last look at him.

I walked over to the edge, tell him to back off. "Georgie i love you so much, never forget that" I held back the tears and took one last look around. I saw Lupin and Harry behind him, keeping their distance. Shouting me to come back, but i wasn't listening to anyone. Not anymore. Goodbye world, we'll meet again someday, i just know it. I turned around to face George who was sobbing his heart out. I put my arms out and fell back, this was it. The last thing i remember was seeing George trying to rush over to catch me. As my back hit the water, i closed my eyes and let death take me. The last thing i heard was muffled screams coming from Remus. And then nothing, just black.

I woke up, to see my dad stood waiting for me. I smiled to myself, and rushed over to him. He pulled me into a hug. I was finally free, i was at peace once again.

(Georges Pov)

It was the day of Elizabeths funeral. We never found her body, the water was too violent that night. We had to bury an empty coffin. I never thought id watch death greet someone, or someone greet death that peacefully. She seemed ready for it.

After the service, we laid her down next to her dad. That's what she would've wanted. It was such a beautiful day, you know? The service was beautiful, i hope she's proud.

As soon as we all got back to the burrow, i ran up to my old room. I locked the door, and sobbed into my pillow. I got a piece of parchment paper out from my bedside table and a quill.

Dear Lizzie,
I know it's only been a few weeks, but i miss you so much. Your service was beautiful, i hope we made you proud. We laid you next to your dad, i hope your finally together again in peace. I love you Lizzie, i don't think i'll ever stop. My first love, my first kiss. I'll never forget you. Rest easy darling

Love yours forever, Georgie x

I put the letter into an envelope and sent it off to her grave. I gave her owl a treat and watch it fly away. I watched the stars and the moon glisten over everything. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned round to see Ginny. She gave me a weak smile,before i sobbed into her shoulder. "I know Georgie, she's still here you know. Harry says so, she's so proud of you"

AHHHH OMG okay so im sorry this was so depressing but omg i cried. Anyways i hope you enjoyed lovelies x

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