Answer 11

110 4 17

Q: SO, WH4T DO YOU TH1NK OF M3? -Terezi


A: Yooo TZ!!!! W4zzup my r4d g1rl!!!!

You 4r3 my cool l1ttl3 m3, th4tz wh4t you 4r3. 4lw4yz n3v3r g1v1ng up, 4nd th4t 1s wh4t 1 lov3 1n y4! You'd n3v3r t4k3 down 4 ch4ll4ng3 l1k3 your lov3r boy....k4rk4t 1s 1t?

You two s33m l1k3 two p34s 1n 4 pod! H3 r34lly do3s l1ght3n your d4y, do3snt h3 *3y3brow w1ggl3*

But 4nyw4ys, you 4r3 th3 p3rf3ct d3s3nd4nt 1 could 3v4 h4v3.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2015 ⏰

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