Chapter 3: Family reunion

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Chapter 3: Nessa's POV*

The swirling colours of the Byfrost stopped and I found myself in a golden dome. I look at the man in armour removing his sword from it's compartment in the centre of the dome. I know him, Hiemdall was his name, he was here when I was transported to earth.


Third Persons POV*

"You're sending me to Midgard!?" Nessa yelled, outraged at the news that she had just received. "It is for the best, I don't want to risk people finding out your true identity." Odin said calmly. "That's a lie! You're just embarrassed about me! You just don't want anyone to know that I'm your-" "SILENCE!!" Odin yelled cutting her off before she could finish her sentence. "You will go to Midgard and you will stay then until and IF I give permission for you to return, without questions." he said with a stern voice. "Open the Byfrost Hiemdall." he ordered with just a hint of regret in his voice. He may be sending her away banishing her almost but she is still his daughter and he cares for her. "Yes my king." Responds Hiemdall. The portal for the Byfrost opens and Nessa is sucked in awaiting her arrival to Midgard. But, before she is sucked in she spots a figure standing on the bridge the person then disappears just as she gets sucked into the portal.


I never ended up finding out who that person was standing on the bridge. I thought to myself as I pass Hiemdall. "It's good to have you back Nessa." Says Hiemdall. "Wish I could say the same." I reply in a low mumble. I can only imagine what will happen due to my return. "I haven't seen you in a while which is odd because I can see what goes on, on Midgard yet I could not find you. Why?" He questions. "I don't know" I lied. I had actually used my powers to hide myself on earth I had never wanted Odin to see me in fear that he might bring me back or want something of me. "If you will excuse us Hiemdall we must speak urgently to Odin." Says Thor. "Of course my Prince. Hiemdall replies bowing his head as we exit the dome.

Oh my, this place is exactly how it was I was last here. I though as I looked around we had just gotten of the bridge, me freaking out the entire walk which takes a few minutes cause it is a LONG bridge. Civilians were bowing towards Thor as we past them many were also whispering though probably curious as to who this knew face is walking around with a member of the royal family head towards the palace. Oh great we're here I thought as we approached the palace gates. The big golden gates open slowly allowing us to enter. My hands start shaking as soon as Odin see's me all b nhell will brake loose or nothing will happen and we'll all be fine. That's the scary thing about this situation it could go either way, it could go horribly and he could punish me or he could be happy to finally see his daughter in over twenty years.

Oh no it's the throne room I thought as we approached the doors that would lead us to Odin. "I wish to speak to my father concerning urgent matters" Thor says to the guard. "Yes Prince Thor." says the guard opening, with the help of the second guard, the doors to the throne room. "Father I have a few questions to ask you" Thor said as he walk towards Odin. "And what might these questions be about Thor?" Odin asked. Thor had walked ahead of me so Odin had not noticed me yet. "Her." Thor replied pointing behind him towards me. I had frozen in place, it was like some one had glued m to the floor. Odin had looked to where Thor was pointing and was squinting his eyes either he couldn't recognise me or he can't see me. I look to where I'm standing and see that I'm distant to him and that I'm standing where the light doesn't reach ,in the shadows. "Thor I cannot see who you are pointing please step into the light." Odin says. I gulp he just couldn't see me he is for sure going to recognise me.

I step into the light not trying to escape because I know this is it, this is the day I was dreading but, in a way, I'm kind of glad this day came because it means no more hiding or running. No more staying up wondering if things were different. I could finally be free if he accepted me there's still the chance that he won't. He looks at me with confusion then after a second realisation hit him hard in the face. To say he was shocked was an understatement he looked like he was about to fall of his seat. "What do you want to know about her?" Odin said after he had composed himself. His voice was a little shaky which by the look on Thor's face wasn't normal for him. "I want to know who she is. I know that she is Asgardian but I want to know why she was on Earth, only royals can access the Byfrost or give permission for others to use the Byfrost why was she on Earth?" Thor questioned. This was the one question that he was hoping Thor wouldn't ask because now he had to tell him which will be hard because he had put it off for so long.

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