Incorrect quotes...bloopers...

340 15 19

Cass: I'm fulfilling MY dest-

Varian: ChAd BrOuGhT pIzZa!

Chris Sonnenberg: Cut guys! Just... go take five! Gosh, Varian!

Raps: Next stop, ANYWHERE! 

Eugene: And the world is waiting!

Cass: I am so not saying that word.

Chris: CUUUUT!!!!!

Raps: We do NOT curse in this castle, Varian.

Cass: CuRsEs!!

Raps: CASS!!!!!!!

Cass grabs the moonstone

Cass: I'm fulfilling MY destiny!

Raps: Cass!

Varian: So? What'd I miss?

Eugene: Not a good time, kid. Not a good time.

I hope u liked it!!!!!!! Way more from where that came from!

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