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If there are times of the year that I dread not coming, that would be the holidays and Valentine's Day. But I can say the LOVE month gives me the chills the most. It gives me sadness, loneliness, and self-pity to the maximum level.

Why may you ask? Because I am SINGLE, capital S-I-N-G-L-E!

At least during the Christmas season, I can give the excuse that Christmas is for family. I can be around my family up to the New Year's celebration. And because I'm an only child, it's a family tradition that we are complete during the holidays—a perfect excuse for me not to be alone at Christmas.

But being single on Valentine's Day is a different story.

All my friends have boyfriends; they are all occupied and excited when February comes. But, unfortunately, no one among my friends would offer me to join them. Who would like to have a third wheel on Hearts' Day, anyway?

As for my family, my parents cannot celebrate their yearly couple's getaway every second month of the year. And even if they offer me to come with them, I will decline. I can't imagine being with them amidst their cheesiness and creepiness at their age! But I love them both! I wish to be in a relationship like theirs.

But as years passed by, and counting Valentine's days that I spent alone sulking and surviving with a large box of pizza and 12 cans of diet soda while watching romance movies, the loneliness and self-pity I felt triple this year!

It is my third year of spending V-Day alone. Yep! Never been kissed, never been touched, and never been courted for three long and agonizing years! That's ME!

During high school, I didn't mind unnoticed by the boys. My studies were my priority. When I was in college, I just wanted to graduate to get a job, which is why I didn't mind not having many suitors. When I turned 18, I opted for a no party to get the money as a gift from my parents so I could have seed money for my online shop. That helped me not to think about the stresses of celebrating a debut party.

But when I turned 19, I realized things. It sucks to watch romance movies alone. I'm sad that no one texts or calls me to ask about my day romantically, if I have already eaten or when I am going home from work so he can pick me up. It felt like all the heartbreaking songs are meant for me. It's a pity that I spend almost all my holidays alone. And at the peak of all these things, I have a pity party on my own as the Debbie Downer every time it's the LOVE month.

And now, I made a promise three years after I turned 20. It's my time to shine! As early as the last week of January, I made a declaration. If LOVE can't seem to find me, I will find LOVE! I will ensure that the love arrow will direct towards my heart and the heart of my first and only love come February! So, with my fingers crossed and eyes closed, I claim it! I'm envisioning it, and I'm making it happen! I will not be S-I-N-G-L-E this Valentine's Day!

First, I went to church and did my different novenas. To St. Anthony, I prayed my faithful petition in search of love. Then to St. Anne. St. Anne, bring me a man as fast as you can! But that was nine days ago. Both novenas I prayed for haven't given me the answer.


It's already the second day of February. I only have 11 days, to be exact, to find "the one" who will claim me from the "Singles Counter." I doubt my declaration. My desperate brain cells thought of other ways while I devoured my take out of Lo Mein and siomai. What else can I do? And just before I bit my fortune cookie, the answer to my million-dollar question came right at me!

 What else can I do?  And just before I bit my fortune cookie, the answer to my million-dollar question came right at me!

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