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The name came out of his mouth like it's almost a whisper. But despite of that, it was enough for the other man to hear it, making him faced towards the opposite direction.

Haru slightly opened his mouth—about to utter another word, but failed. He has a lot of things to say to his childhood best friend, but he couldn't just find the right words to say.

"Haru... l-long time no see?" The other man flashed his usual sweet smile, but it didn't hide the nervousness he's feeling.

The awkwardness between the two of them just gotten worse.

A moment of silence came after that. The sun is about to set and the only noise that can be heard is the sound of the leaves falling from the trees.

"I... I didn't know that you're already back here in Japan." It was Haru who finally broke the silence between them.

Makoto was shocked to see the sad expression on his former best friend's face, but he managed to brushed it off and calmly answered while still putting up an act.

"Uhh yeah. I was kinda busy and a lot of things happened so I didn't have the chance to tell you guys that I'm back. Besides, this vacation is actually so sudden and it wasn't even part of my plan."

Haru clenched his fists. He avoided Makoto's gaze. He knew that he's lying. If there's anyone in this world who knew Makoto the most, it's him. The same thing goes for him. Makoto knows almost everything about him. There's no point on putting up an act when they're facing each other like this.

"If you hated the idea of meeting me again that much, you should just say it to me directly. You don't have to lie and make a fool out of me."

Makoto was taken aback by Haru's sudden burst of emotions. It was very rare for Haruka to show some emotions, but now it feels like he's pouring all of his feelings in every word that he utters.

"H-Haru, it isn't like that. I was about to tell you—"

"No, you didn't!"

Haru have had enough. He just couldn't get hold of his emotions right now. They're flowing freely all around his mind, body and soul just like how freely he swims when he's in the water.

"You don't want to tell me and you don't want to see me either." His knees felt weak after saying that. He's hurt and he couldn't just hide it anymore.

Three years. Three years have already passed, yet he still feels so vulnerable and weak when he's around Makoto.


Haruka let out a deep sigh and faced the opposite direction to secretly wiped the tears from his eyes.

He missed Makoto so much that he always wishes for them to meet again, almost every single day.

But now that his wish finally came true, he doesn't know what to feel anymore. He never wanted to meet his old friend like this. This is not the reunion that he's been hoping for.

"Forget it. I gotta go now. It's nice to see you again."

With a heavy heart, he slowly turned his back to walk away from the man he's been longing for.

But... it only take three steps for Makoto to close their distance and pulled Haru for an embrace.

Haruka gasped when he felt Makoto's wide and strong arms slowly tightened around his body. He can hear the former's loud heart beat, as well as his heavy breathing like he's been holding back himself from something.

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