A Day In Paradise One Shot Shizou x Izaya

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Hheeeelllllo my lovliess 😊 sooo, how you guys doin? I'm doin fine, thanks. This is my first time writing a one shot, I feel so nervous my butt cheeks are sweating 😱 hahahah. I just wanna make u guys smile and laugh when reading this book, or story. So please make judgmental and criticism comments for me ^.^ I hope u guys will enjoy my first ever crappy one shot! Please comment and vote, if u want :D baiiii

"Yay!!! Tom said he's gonna take us to the beachh!! Let's pack our stuff, come on u asshole! Stop laying around like a piece o' shit, Shizu-Chan!!" Izaya shouted happily as he slapped Shizou's head

"Don't fuckin slap my head, u dumbass! I'm goin, I'm goin...Geez, teenager these days..."
"Oi, u ready yet! Don't make me wait here, I'm gonna go to the beach without u guys if u don't hurry up!" Tom said

"Wait wait! We're coming Tom! Hurry up u shit!" Izaya shouted as he gave Shizou an annoyed glance.

"I'm comin I'm comin, you asshole!"

The two argued as they climbed into Tom's van.

"Arhhg... If u two don't fuckin stop arguing I'm gonna throw u out."

"Ok ok sorry~ Now, let's go to the beach!"
"Yay!!! We're fuckin here!!" Izaya shouted as he burst out of the van and ran to the water.

"Tsk..god damn, he's such a kid...."

"It's all right, Shizou. Here go stand up the umbrella." Tom said

"Hai~" Shizou replied
"Hahaha!!! The water's so cool~" Izaya said as he dove under the waves

"It's so damn sunny today..." Shizou said as he blocked the sun from his eyes.

"Oi, Tom where's that fuckin Izaya"

"I don't know, he's probably swimming or somethin, I'm gonna go buy some ice cream. What kind do u want?"

"I'll have chocolate"

"Roger!" Tom said as he skipped away to an ice cream shop.

"Fuck, where's that damn bitch?! He's always hidin somewhere." Shizou said as he stood up and went to the water to go look for Izaya.

"Izaya~ Fuckin come out wherever you are~" Shizou creepily called out. He walked around the beach, but still couldn't find Izaya. Then, Shizou walked farther away from the beach, behind a cave, and there was Izaya. Lying on the ground, all wet, eyes closed.

"IZAYA!!!" Shizou cried out running to Izaya. Shizou sat next to Izaya panicking and thinking about what he should do.

"Fuck! What do I do now?! Did he actually drown and faint, or is he faking...." Shizou became quiet, then leaned towards Izaya's heart.

"It's still pounding.... Should I just leave him there.." Shizou stood up and started walking away but a hand grabbed him.

"Shizu-chann~ You're soo meann~" Shizou turned around and saw that Izaya was still alive, and standing up, and his hands were grabbing his.

"I knew you were faking, u asshole."

"Awww, too bad though~" Izaya replied

"Don't touch me."

"Are you mad that I tricked you Shizu-Chan~"

"....I'm not mad...I was..w-worried, you dumbass.." Shizou said, not looking at Izaya, who's face was surprised, and red.

"Uh, haha...." Izaya said with a fake chuckle

"Just forget about it dumbass.. You don't care what I say anyways.." Shizou said, feeling hurt, when Izaya laughed. Shizou turned and started walking away from Izaya.

"Did.... I hurt Shizu-Chan's feelings.." Izaya said quietly to himself.

"Hey Shizou, here's your ice cream" Tom said, holding out the ice cream Shizou ordered earlier.

"I don't want any, leave me alone"

"Let me guess, you and Izaya got into a fight.." Tom said, as Shizou walked past him saying nothing.

"Tom! Tom!" Izaya shouted out as he ran towards Tom.

"Yea?" Tom asked as Izaya approached him.

"...I-is... Shizu-chan mad?" Izaya asked as he looked at Shizou walk away.

"Well, from the look of it, I think you two had a fight, soo~ I'm guessing he's probably mad for sure." Tom said and continued, "maybe you should apologize to him."

"F-for what?! What the hell did I DO?!" Izaya shouted out

"Well, I don't know what you did, but if you don't want him to be mad then I suggest you apologize to him. He's probably so mad, that he's throwing poles and chairs right now."

".....Fine." Izaya pouted


"Oi! Shizu-chan! Shizu-chan~ Come out wherever you are!" Izaya yelled, with a frown on his face for the first time in like, forever.

Shizu-chan.... Where the hell are you.. Izaya thought in his mind, before he heard a voice yelling out.

"OI! ASSHOLE IZAYA! YOU LOOKIN FOR ME?! Ha! I never thought you'd be stupid enough to go and apologize!" Shizou shouted out, as Izaya turned, and saw Shizou holding a vending machine, ready to throw it, hoping to create a hole in Izaya's body.

But, just before he threw the damn vending machine, Izaya, truly and honestly said words of apology, "Shizu-chan, I'm sorry."


Author's Note:

Hello everyone! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a very long time. I'm very very sorry, but now I have! And it's the end of this book! I hope you like this one shot of Shizou and Izaya! I've never done any one shot books before, but now that I finished one, it's very interesting :) If u would like me to make another one shot book, u can leave it in the comment! Thank you very much! Byeee, until next time!

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