Chapter 1 : Return

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I Don't own Black Clover..

The spade Arc hasnt happened wil happen after few chapters..


It was nice day in clover kingdom

Some mages were training..some were on dates and some were on their usual duties. 

Black Bulls

After the disappearance of Asta many things has changed..

Noelle finally broke out of her stupid shy crush and has turned into a mature and strong Mage. She has also grown in ranks and is a model mage for young female mages. She is also known for her kindness and no longer take pride in her "Royalty". Don't get her wrong she is still proud in being Royalty but she doesn't looks down on someone.

Magna and Luck both are mostly same but have grown stronger. Vanessa has taken her training seriously  but still drinks a lot and havent changed her style for clothes. 

As for other blackbull members lets keep it a secret shall we..?

Captain meeting

All the magic knights captain were seated on table, with wizard king who has shrunk into a child.

"So you're saying..We should organize a Tournament in which any mage from any squad can fight..and winner will get 1 Million Yun..?" Asked a Yami.

"Yes. Thats what i mean. ISN'T IT EXCITING?!?!" said our chibi Wizard King.

 "I's a good idea" Captain of Golden dawn gives his opinion

"Fine with me.." says Nozel

"I have a question..?" says captain of Blue Rose

"What it might be...?" says a curious Marx. 

"Are captain allowed to participate..?"

"Yes." Marx repiles

"WE'RE IN!!!" says greedy and over excited Yami and Jack

"Isn't it unfair for other participants !?!?" Questions Rill

Before the conversation can continue, a mage barged in the room.


Charlotte and Nozel immediately runs goes to rescue them. Other Captain follow Behind them..


A man who was wearing total black outfit was attacking Citizens with his Fire Grimoire with arrogant smirk on his face while other two woman behind her were laughing at them.

"Tch..Bring those asshole captain out already! We're gonna shows those bastards what it means to be strong.." Said the man all dressed in black.                                                                                              

"Show them mercy brother Falco..They're Insects after all.." said his sister Jessy with a cruel grin on her face.

Falco launched a fire ball towards a little girl but it vanished before it can touch her. A man with black cloak all over his body appeared in front of her. His face was being covered with cloak and so was his rest of the body.

"Who the hell are you bastard!?!? I'LL KILL YA!!" said Falco


They increased their speed in order to reach the invader before any causality happens. They arrived and saw a crowd. They quickly made their way towards crowd pushing people. When people saw who they were they immediately moved out of way.

What they witnessed made their heart beat skip. 

Three invaders were murdered brutally..their body were blooded..their eyes were out of their skull sockets..their hands were disconnected with their body and so were their skulls..

Charlotte eyes widen in horror while her face was pale and so were with other captains. Rill puked on the spot while captain of Crimson Lions was trying to help him who was also disturbed with such violence. Most of the crowd were sick, puking as they witnessed everything..

Medical Mage arrived and collected their body for inspection.. 

A young girl emerged from the crowd was crying and still shaken in horror. She approached to Nozel who was closest to her. Nozel saw this has quickly went to comfort her. Royalty or Not he was will a human with emotion no matter how much he hides it.

She handed him a paper..and ran away..

He opened it and read..

"Meet me at Magic knight Meeting Room..."

He wasted no time and shared the information with other who dashed towards the room they left few minute ago. They entered room with intend to attack but were surprised to see their king and Marx sitting quitely. Way too quietly

"Sit" It was a command. The tone of the voice of wizard king made it clear he did not wanted any arguments.

They did what they were told but still on their guard. Next thing what happened totally caught them offguard.

"Hello" came a voice from the main door entrance and doors suddenly closed.

Their eyes snapped towards the location of the voice. They saw the same man with black cloak who murdered invaders. They were told by the crowd but weren't their to confirm it. Everyone watched the figure in calculative eyes. Marx broke the silence

"Did you murdered them..?" asked Marx bur everyone could tell he was sacred.

The figure spoke in monotone voice

"Yes..but you were watching me weren't you..?" The statement caught him off guard. He was indeed watching him after captains left and saw everything live which was the sole reason he was afraid of this cloaked man..

"Who're you?"asked a Brave Rill

The hooded man was almost 6 foot man. He removed his hooded face. Time stopped for everyone of them...

Gray hairs..white face tone...Green eyes...but they were emotionless..




cuz I am evil....hahahhah

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