chapter 17

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Sisso came at home. And they sat solving the emoji puzzle.
Ran *🤑* is the symbol of tigers squad!
Sid:yeah! Those jello people!
Suddenly room opens and they find jannat very injured.
Jan: guyz...tiger.....force...sexual...
Then she fainted...
Fai went and picked Jan in bridal style and made her lay on bed...he sprinkled some drops of water on her face which made her concious..she woke up and hugged fai tight and started sobbing..
Jan: they...they killed my...they killed my mumma...
Fai: who killed aunty?!
Jan: tigerss.....
She said that and started sobbing violently.fai started rubbing her back to calm her...
Fai: shh...shant jan...shant...
Jan: avu ....
Sid started panicking. Ran's eyes fell upon something.
Ran: wtf! Jan!
Fai: what happened..
Ran started crying..
Ran: ja...n...wer..e yo..u ra..ped? (He said crying)
Jan: i..was forced...
Fai hugged jan very tight and kissed her lips tight.
Fai: tell us everything...
Jan: avu went out to take ice cream for us...there she got a call saying sid just wants to use her sexually and for proof she should come at xyz area. She went there and then she...she....(jan started sobbing violently)
Jai: what happened Jan..what happened to avu...
Jan: they shooted her 3 times but she somehow survived..then they raped her she still survived and then they killed sonia aunty which made her break down and now she is fainted+injured.
Jai: maa.....(jai felt numb.tears dripping from his eyes)

To be continued


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