A Mess

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     {“My heart no longer felt as if it.                              belonged to me.
      It now felt as if it had been stolen,
   torn from my chest by someone who                    wanted no part of it.” }
_____ p.o.v:

Its been days since I didn't go out.
After he and I broke up I felt like just giving up on life. I never wanted to open my eyes again.
"_____! I know you're in there, please open the door for me. Please! Ok! Share it with me". called my bestfriend Hilary Tachibania.
From the front door.
I didn't answer anything." If you don't I promise I'll break the door"
I didn't even budge ,then I heard the door being bang and then it flew open . Hilary came in and hug me.

"You've endured well, you have endured everything till now. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most. I'm so sorry."she cried tears rolling down her cheeks. I stand still, with no emotion on my face.

She came inside and sat together beside me on my bed.
"_____ please say something dear, don't keep it inside,cry out your heart come on, dear. Tyson,me ,granpa everyone is here for you. Please don't scare me like that.

Tears brim out of my eyes hearing that I looked up at her and starting crying out loud.

"Why me Hilary? Why me? What have I done wrong?... All I did was just love him and dream of having a family with him together. How could he betray me? How could he just throw me away after those 4 yrs? Why me?...."

I cried out at the point that I didn't care about the next door neighbours.
She hug me and rub my back.
"Dear, everyone has there reasons. He must have his. He did truly love you a lot ok. I know it's hard but stop thinking about the past now dear hm.."

I cried and cried until I had no tears left.

" _______,Your brother and grandpa are dead worried about you. Why don't you start from the beginning now. Hm.
Come on,_______ I know my bestie will do great. You'll meet someone greater than him in the future. I know you will be there. Now let's go home.
I'll send Tyson and Kenny to pack this up okie."

I nodded and together with Hilary, I went home.

Time skip~
At home,

"I'm not gonna spare him grandpa.
I'll be gonna stop that fucking wedding myself, he betray our friendship and hurt my sister.
I swear I'll crash that wedding and make sure he'll suffer all his life."

"Tyson, my boy revenge is not the solution to every problem and I know how much this has affect you. But more than you your sister has been affected very badly.
Let's think about her first. Hilary has gone to her place. Let's first wait for her news ok!"

"Grandpa, I'm back."

"How was i...!!? My granddaughter,my precious gem. Oh my god you worried the life out of me. How could you do this hm.. my gem has suffer a lot."


" _____ come hear my baby sister, I'm sorry for leaving you alone. I'm sorry I was not a good brother. I didn't protect you well. I'm sorry. Don't worry from now I'll protect our family. I promise . Just forgive me for being so selfish."

Tyson hug his only sister. Her brother's comforting hug made her spill her tears again. She hug him back and stain his shoulders by her hot tears.
Seeing the heart touching scene made everyone cried so badly.

At _____'s bedroom~


" _______ rest ok, I'll go and prepare dinner for everyone. Hm." Hilary said to me

I didn't say anything but nodded my head.

After she left I can't help but cry, it hurts so much to love someone and thinking all those memories he and I made together.

At the backyard~

"Hon. What are you thinking about? Its about _____ right?"

"She really didn't deserve this Hil. She was really cheerful and always laughing, bickering with me all the time. But now when I saw her state when she came home. I can't help but filled terrible and disgusted on myself. On how I was being happy and enjoying life while she was in the point of giving up on life."

"Don't say that, this is not your fault.
Don't blame yourself. Instead of thinking about pasts, why don't we think about the future. Hm?"

"Hm... From now on I'll not let anyone hurt our family."

"I love you so much" pecking Tyson on his lips.

"I love you too."

"I'll go and make dinner now grandpa must be hungry."



1 year later~

Phone rings~~

"Hello, Tyson Granger speaking. Who is this?"

"Its me, Tyson."

"Kai!! How..how have you been huh? You didn't thought about us did you? All this years you didn't even bother to call us?"

"Sorry I was busy".

"Nevermind, where are you? When will you come to bey city?"

"I'm in Russia. I'll becoming there soon.Make my room."

"Tsk .. you're as bossy as you were when we were kids. Fine2 tell me when you came I'll pick you up."

"Ok. See you."

" Bye."

Kai p.o.v:

{ Finally after all these years I'll be meeting you again,after all this feelings couldn't deny my love for you. I came back here to forget you but I couldn't. This time I'll express you my love and make you mine forever. Before I was a fool that I wasn't able to tell you feelings.
This time I'll surely show you all my love ______. Please be there safe and sound. I love you.}

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