To Trust is to Risk

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Pine ended up staying the night in Byakuya's dorm, as he was the only one Pine trusted in a situation like this. There was no up or down, no right or wrong. Stress does truly terrible things to people, and from the way it looked all of us missed our lives outside of this place. Except for Celestia, she seemed to be a crazy bitch. That morning they all decided to gather in the cafeteria. Byakuya, being the natural leader he was, took charge and recommended we go and search the entire campus.

"We have to know the place well, if one of us does commit murder, God forbid, it would help in the trial to know where evrything is.'' After he said this Pine heard a strange giggle further back in the group of ultimates.

"..he ehe e, leave it to Master to be such a talented leader.." The ultimate writer, Toko Fukawa was known to idolize Byakuya. Pine had been told and thoroughly cautioned about Toko, she herself had a lot of mental issues, including split personality disorder. Byakuya had originally put up with her obsessiveness, but after a while he just couldn't take it. It wasn't only an issue with Toko idolizing him but also the fact that Byakuya was aromantic  and everyone around Byakuya seemed to push him to date. Pine knew he struggled with this, and was not open to coming out to the people there, let alone Toko. Nevertheless it made Pine incredibly uncomfortable to see Toko act like they were already dating.

 Everyone agreed to split up into groups of three and to search the building, Pine was paired with Aoi and Sakura. They searched the main entrance, lobby, and areas near there. They discovered that there was some big circular door locked with a comical amount of locks. It was clear it was meant to seem impossible to open, and Pine was convinced it was. Nevertheless she checked every lock, counted them, and noted their position for future reference. Pine knew that trying to have normal thoughts during a terrible situation would help spare Pine's mental health. So she thought about the group she was with, and how she noticed a growing urge to be around Aoi. To protect her. Pine wanted to be there for her. It had only been a day but Pine recognized a budding crush, and she definitely had one for Aoi. 

They walked through the halls leading up to the cafe making small talk. Pine found out that Aoi and Sakura had been best friends and were insanely close. Which was almost comforting to know Aoi wasn't alone. Pine got great vibes from Sakura, and wanted to be her friend as well. They made it to the cafe to find they were the first to arrive.

"Hmm, It is the time we planned to meet up, I wonder what's taking them." Sakura casually mentioned. Before Aoi and Pine even had the time to nod they heard a sound over the intercom. Pine recognized it as the body discovery announcement. 

They all stared at each other wide eyed before sprinting around the school, desperate to find out who died. And equally important, who did it. Finally they got to the dorms where students Makoto, Kyoko, Hiro, Toko, Leon and Byakuya were. They were all in Makoto's dorm. Toko was unconscious. They ran up to the others and immediately started asking questions. Hiro was the first to yell at them to shut up and go see the scene for themselves.

 Slowly Pine, Aoi, and Sakura walked into Makoto's room and approached the bathroom. Pine couldn't even describe the pose the corpse was in. He couldn't describe how much blood there was, or how the knife was placed, or even why Pine couldn't seem to breathe. The only thing Pine could say was that The ultimate Popstar, Sayaka Maizono, laid dead against the bathroom floor blood everywhere. 

Pine's ears stopped working as she approached the body. Pine kneeled down next to her, holding onto Sayaka's hand. It wasn't cold like he thought it would be, but it felt like wax. Pine noticed the multiple stab wounds in Sayaka's chest. 

This was an aggravated attack. Pine recalled her experience with working with aggressive people. They usually never knew they were being aggressive or angry in that moment, but it did show. In this situation, it showed in the stab wounds. There was one thought going through everyone's head as the other students showed up, and that wasn't fear surprisingly. They all knew they had to fight, and fight they would. Whoever did this would get their punishment. 

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