Many people think pay it forward is a myth maybe something they feel they are being judged if you don't help. Let's not fool ourselves paying it forward has been around for many years. It's a good feeling to see someone in a line at Starbucks and you offer to buy their cup of coffee. Let's face it their might have been once twice maybe more we ran into a pickle trying to get a bill paid food or what ever else we need. We asked family friends people close to us for help before. Once we asked they were ok with helping us, some think they are doing a great thing to help. Truth is they are not only are you helping someone but your making a difference.
Jennifer in auburn ca e-mail me and says i went to lumberjack in grassvalley about a year ago while i was eating i noticed a older gentleman eating Alone, i asked him if he would like to eat with me and my family he said yes i was talking to him he explained his wife passed away about 6 months ago he was even still behind of electric so i paid for his dinner handed him a hundred dollars to get caught up on his bills. He gave us a hug with tears in his eyes said thank you. It made me feel good to help him . That was a touching story, that is the truth about paying it forward is you do nice things to help people without asking for anything in return. Remember always be kind to people you never know when u might need help.
the truth about paying it forward
Randomthe good stories about paying it forward. many stories via email and texts.