Diagon alley

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As Alice Lupin woke up from her long awaited slumber she shot out a cold hand towards her desk and scrambled around for her screaming alarm clock. "Five more minutes.";She moaned tiredly. Ten Minutes later, she finally gave in to the morning and got up. She was drenched in sweat after another nightmare about Voldermort. These nightmares keep getting worse. She tried to block this thought out of her mind, as she was good at that.

What to wear today? Alice searched through her small closet searching for something that may catch one's eye. Yes, that. Her eyes stopped on a striped black and green long sleeved top and a pair of mom style jeans. It was cold outside so she added a dark green scarf. That will do.

She ran downstairs to see Nyphodora Tonks - her mother - sat at the table drinking tea."Good morning Alice!"She said, smiling. "Good morning mum."She replied. They were going to the leaky cauldron, to see her friend Dove Granger on her birthday.

Three hours later, the small family arrived outside of the leaky cauldron. It was a tall, old building but was greatly appreciated by wizards and witches. The door opened with an enormous creek leading them into a main room that mainly consisted of tables and chairs. They sat down at a table and waited for Dove to come down the wooden staircase.

Dove Granger was a short girl of now 15, she was almost a year younger than Alice,her birthday being on the 29 of august. She had brown bushy hair put back in a ponytail and was wearing a slightly cropped, purple top with baggy jeans. "Hi Alice!" She stated excitedly. "Hiya Dove."Alice replied, with a slight gloomy tone to her voice.

After a long conversation with Dove, Alice and her mum headed out to the tiny garden which fashioned a small gardener's shed and a large brick wall. Her mother tapped multiple bricks and the wall began to slowly, but steadily split apart.

When the strange brick wall had finally broken through. She and her Mum approached a large street filled to the brim with all different kinds of shops. They first approached a shop that had a huge sign labelled Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions. The pair slowly stepped into the shop and the bell rung hastily. A stout woman greeted them merrily and fitted Alice's robes.

After her robes had been fitted, Alice and Tonks wandered into many different shops including; The Apothecary, Flourish And Blotts and Quality Quidditch Supplies. Then they stopped at a shop named Magical Menagerie. Mum, this looks good. They entered and heard instantly the hiss of snakes and the screech of owls. Woah!

She slowly looked around and gasped. Sat down in the corner lay a pure white, blue eyed kitten sleeping soundlessly. Mum, please please please may I have her? Alice looked at her mum in a longing way and she just couldn't say no. Fine. We'll take her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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