𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒

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It felt as though Sheng had just closed his eyes when he heard Sergeant Qiang's shout. Biting back a groan and a witty remark, he pulled himself up off of his sleeping cot. Around him, the other soldiers were throwing on their clothes and armor, lacing up boots and grabbing their varying equipment. Spotting Honghui, Sheng ducked his head, trying to avoid the man at all costs.

But the space was small, and it was impossible for Mulan and Sheng to hide from the man. Sheng followed after Mulan as she headed to grab her boots, groaning softly as he saw Honghui coming towards their direction. Sheng leaned down with Mulan, hearing her gasp when Honghui accidentally brushed his shoulder along hers. Honghui stared coldly at Mulan, Sheng biting back a groan. 

"Good morning" he greeted coldly to Sheng. 

Sheng hesitated before replying. "Good morning." 

Honghui nodded, walking back to his sleeping platform. A sigh of relief escaped Sheng, one that he didn't even know he had been holding in. At least the man didn't completely hate Sheng like he did with Mulan. 

"Hua Jun!" Sergeant Qiang shouted, causing Sheng to snap his head towards the man, dread bubbling in his stomach. "Report to Commander Tung."

Sheng felt as if his world was about to turn upside down. What had Mulan done? Innocent Mulan wasn't capable of doing anything terrible? His mind concocted the worst possible situations, causing Sheng to bite his lip in fear, fiddling with his hands as his anxiety and fear grew.

He caught Honghui's pitying gaze for a moment before turning away, not wanting to see the man's sympathy. 

Mulan kept her head down, ducking her head, she opened the tent's flap and walked towards Commander Tung's tent. 

They had made it this far. Sheng was puzzled, not knowing why Commander Tung would possibly want to see his sister. Maybe it was because of Mulan and Honghui's fight? That could be the only reason. She wouldn't get in much trouble for fighting, but, even then, Commander Tung seemed pleased with Mulan, making no move to stop the fight, letting it continue. 

The pit in his stomach grew, he leaned back on his sleeping platform, staring up at the the tent, anxiously waiting for Mulan's arrival. He didn't know what he could do if he was to ever lose her. They needed each other. They were brother and sister, they needed each other to push forward.

Sheng's head snapped up as he heard footsteps approaching. He looked up, spotting Honghui approaching him. The man held compassion and sympathy in his eyes, he hesitantly sat down besides Sheng, Sheng's gaze focused on the man. 

"I know we aren't really on the best of terms right now." The man began, looking at Sheng. Sheng looked at Honghui curiously, motioning for Honghui to continue. "But, for what it's worth, I'm sure Hua Jun will come back" he added hesitantly. Sheng sighed, tearing his gaze away from Honghui and looking up at the tent ceiling. "Besides," Honghui said, his tone having a lighter and playful mood. "We both know that Hua Jun is too innocent." 

Sheng laughed, Honghui laughing with him. "That is true" Sheng replied, a fond smile on his lips. 

Honghui got up, staring at Sheng. "Hua Jun is a good man" he said, making his way towards the flap of the tent. Honghui pulled back the flap of the tent, cold air rushing inside the warm tent, leaving Sheng with his thoughts. 

Sheng looked to the flap of the tent. "Thank you" he murmured softly, his gaze lingering on the flap of the tent before laying his head back, a sigh escaping his lips as he stared up at the tent ceiling.  

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 | 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎Where stories live. Discover now