Chapter 16

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5 years ago...

"Mum!" 11-year-old Adelecia came running up to Walburga. "Yes?" "Can I wear these tonight?" Adelecia held up a pair of lace up boots. "No. Wear these instead."

Walburga pointed to a pair of high heels.

"But mum-" "No, Adelecia. Be the pureblood lady you were taught to be, even if you are in Gryffindor." The small girl's shoulders slumped defeatedly. "Yes mother." "Good. Now go and check on Sirius. Lord knows that ungrateful child won't wear anything acceptable."

Adelecia nodded her head and scampered out the door into Sirius's room. Sirius was sitting on his bed, tossing a small ball between his hands. "Siris, mum says to wear something formal for the party."

He hung upside down, disinterested. "Do I have to?" Adelecia giggled at her brother's antics. "Yeah. Sorry Siri." Sirius sighed. "Fine."


Adelecia looked over boredly at Mulciber as their parents spoke. "The partnership will hopefully go well between our two families."

Adelecia tugged her mother's sleeve. "What?" She snapped. "What partnership?" "You're going to get married to him when you graduate Hogwarts." "But I just started! And what if I find someone better?"

Adelecia said all of this in front of everyone. Walburga looked down at her daughter angrily. "Be quiet Adelecia. This doesn't concern you. You should be happy that someone like the Mulcibers still accepts you for being in Gryffindor."

"But mum-" "Stop it Adelecia. We will deal with this at home. Now go and speak to all the children." Adelecia sighed and sulked off towards Sirius, who gave her a panicked look. "What?" "Your shoes!" He whispered. She looked down.

Adelecia had worn the boots.

She didn't mean to. She'd just forgotten. But at the moment her mother gave her a furious look, Adelecia knew she had messed up. Badly. 


HYPOTHETICALLY, if I were to write an original novel of a fixed fairy tale, which one should I do, and would you be interested in reading it? 


I love writing Dystopian and Fantasy, so hehe

Anyways, sorry for posting so late, I've been having technical difficulties all week

Not me just realizing that I can actually format the A/N's this way

The Super Bowl was shocking to say the least-

Everyone expected the Chiefs to win for some reason

I won about 50-60 bucks in bets *smirk*

Let's hear a woot for our local Tampa Buccaneers (Yeah, I live in Florida xD)

Also, tysm for 1K views, it means so so so so much to me <3 

I may release a 1k art special in a few days or something

Well that was a very long A/N, but again, ily guys sfmmmm!

~ Foody 

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