chapter 20

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                                           Sana's P.O.V

"Sana! how was your hubby?" i furrowed my brows and walk a few steps backwards. "Wha---- oh yes! of course" i smiled at them.

"I..i'll get going" i slammed the door and took a deep breath before walking my way to school. I just feel heavy these days, it's just like something's up. How should i say this? 

I don't know if this is right but my instincts are telling me that-- aissh seriously? he sure has some timing.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Hey where are you? you should've told me that you'll be late so that i could just pick you up there."  

"Why are you so worried? i'm fine ok?"

i immidiately hang up the phone and put it back in my pocket. I don't feel talking to him today, he's ruining my mood in the morning.

I walked and walk but then i suddenly bumped into someone. I look at him and he was glaring then i look at the floor and saw his phone screen cracked. 

"Omo! i'm sorry it was an accident" i hurriedly pick it up and was about to hand it back to him but he pushed my hands away. 

"You think i'll still accept that trash? huh?" i looked down as he was staring at me with anger.

"I said it was just an accident." i tried to hold back my tears as i kept on walking backwards, distancing myself from him.

"Don't mess with me, you understand that?" he kept on pointing my forehead with his fingers. 

I saw him smirk and was about to slap me when someone suddenly punched him across the face making the side of his lips bleed.

"Are you okay miss?" the guy asked and i nod.

The guy then run away, then i look back at his uniform and it was same as mine. But i've never seen him before, he must be a new student too. 

"Let's go, we'll be late if you just stand there" he pulled my hands as we both reached the school's main gate. We both go inside and stopped for a while before going to our rooms. 

"Thanks for earlier" i smiled and he nodded. "You must be careful next time" he then walked through his room and i stand there for a few seconds  looking at him as he entered the room.

I kept on smiling as i walk through our room on the second floor of the building. The hallway was still filled with students talking and laughing. I decided to pass by the restroom for a while to wash my hands. 

"Tae?..." i uttered as i saw him with jennie. They both look at me with a bit surprised face. 

"S....sana? i was just asking him something. Why are you a bit late anyway?" jennie walk closer to my direction and then grabbed my arms. 

"The girls planned to eat lunch in the garden later" she added and then flashed a smile at me. "S..sure, that's a good idea." I forced a smile and never try to turn back to where taehyung was.

                          //       .          .          .          .         .      //

Were all at the garden waiting for the others to arrive with the foods they bought. I was all quiet while sitting near the flowers then taehyung suddenly appeared and sat beside me.

"What's with that?" he pointed out my hands. It was a bit bleeding maybe because of what happened when i pick up the cracked screen of the phone.

"It's nothing.." i coldly said with even looking at his direction. We remained silent for a while.

"You know i don't like it when you're behaving like that" i heard him giggled. 

"I don't even like it myself too" he went all quiet. He cupped my face for me to look at him but my eyes are still looking at different direction.

"Hey look at me"  he said then i turned my eyes on him. He was smiling all the time, like damn, could he stop that? im trying my best to act here.

"You're upset aren't you?" he asked and pulled me for a hug. I nod my head.

"And it's because?...." he tucked my hair behind my ear. I look up at him them glared.

"Forget about it....." i said then chuckled. 

"You know you aren't good at acting" he burst out laughing. I glared at him and then hit his tummy.

"Hey stop that!, you're hurting my abs!" he said while gently rubbing it with his hands.

"As if you have any..." i tapped it again then laughed. 

"Yeah laugh while you can, you think im joking? just wait and i'll show it to you" i rolled my eyes and then messed up with his hair. 

It's not gonna happen tae.....

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