Chapter 1

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    Camerons P.O.V

  I wake up from a 2 hour sleep and debate weather i should go to school or not. "Cameron hurry up dont be late!!" guess im going huh? I get up to get in the shower so i dont feel all gross and stuff *After her shower* I go to put on my make up, simple cover up with eyeliner and mascara, after I've finished that i take my hair and let it down, its wavy but the pretty wavy were if i brush it I'll fuck it up, looks like i curled it a little but nope."Cameron Marie lets go!" I put my clotes on with my favorite black boots and run downstairs to my mum who has breakfeast ready she asks me if i want any and i just shake my head no, kiss her on the cheek grab my keys and get in my car, I usually have to leave early seeing as i have to pick up my best friends pj and phil because their dumb asses cant get a damn car. 'HONKKKK' i do that about twelve times before phil finially comes running out of his house "Hey Cam whats up?" i give him a smile like i do every morning "seems legit" you earned a laugh this time philip.*Time passes cause im to lazy to write that* "I'll call him" *dials number* "Hey asswipe get down here!.....Okay....bye loser".We pull up in the school drive way while High School Never Ends by Bowling For Soup comes to an end,"Good luck in hell meet up at break?" me and pj nod and we all grab our bags and get out of my car.

  As i walk into the class i start freaking out on the inside but shaking on the out, theres someone sat at the desk next to mine, he looks good i wont lie, brown hair and eyes, a tan thats fading away and in my favorite color, black. "Hi I'm dan I'm sorta new could you show me around?" he puts his hand out for me to shake and i do and in responce to his question i just nod, I'm going to hate today. He keeps asking me questions like im going to answer or something, doesnt he know I dont speak? whats wrong with him? He's beautiful though, quite tall, He's like 6'3 and im 5'5, can you see the height difference?

    Dan's P.O.V

 Today's my first day at my new school, I had to transfer to a new school cause i kept getting bullied, First peroid i decide to go sit in the back of the class cause Im not good at talking to people, I see this beautiful girl walk in, Really really skinny long red hair, like orange, natural. A black sweater with an ancher on it leggings, perfect make up like just enough not where she looks like a whore just....right,wonder where she si- oh next to me, "Hi im Dan I'm sorta new, could you show me around?" im holding my hand out for her to shake, she does and nods. Does she talk?-Class time- Class ends and were the last to leave "So how is this school?" she just puts her hand up in a fist and shakes it maybe. Does she have a sore throat? "can i sit with you at break?" she shakes her head yes, "okay well i have maths how bout you?" she hands me her schedule we have sixth seventh and fourth together, "okay see you fourth" break is right after fourth.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2015 ⏰

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