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you woke up from your alarm. today is the first day of your college class. you quickly got ready, wearing (outfit of your choice), and went into the kitchen. you greeted kiyoko, kaori, and ichigo. you all ate breakfast and talked together.

as you all finished breakfast, kiyoko spoke up.

"i'll walk with y/n to class since our classrooms are closer."

"alright, smart choice. ichigo and i will walk together since ours are pretty close together," kaori nodded.

as you and kiyoko exited the girl's dormitory, you began walking to the main campus. moments of silence go by before kiyoko turns her head to you.

"nervous?" she asks, you nod.

"yeah, kind of. the whole thing with kenma is...awkward. we didn't leave off on a good note. and plus, i hope he doesn't choose to sit next to me. not in a rude way...but, i'm pretty awkward and i'm pretty sure it would be awkward also."

"ah, i get what you mean. i'm nervous too. but, i have tanaka and nishinoya with me, so, that helps me a little," the dark-haired girl smiled.

"wait, i thought they would be in a different class. since, y'know, this is their first year in college."

"well, this year's class is combined with first and second years for fashion design. it's pretty fun. i didn't expect nishinoya and tanaka to be good with that kind of stuff. but, this year seems like it's going to be eventful."

"yep," you agreed.


you bid your goodbyes to kiyoko and walked into the class. you still had two minutes left, but it seems that a lot of people were already here. you went up towards the second to back row sitting somewhat in the middle- but a little towards the end.

your goal was that that bleached blonde wouldn't find you.

as you were scanning who was going in and out of the room, you saw him walk in. you took out your phone and pretended you were busy, scrolling through social media. you kept looking at him. you accidentally made eye-contact and quickly looked away from embarrassment.

he began walking towards you and sat right beside you. you mentally slapped yourself, since you kept looking up.

'what the actual fuck..'

"hey, y/n," he greeted, sitting down.

"oh, hey kenma," you said awkwardly.

you could already feel the awkward tension. this was not how you imagined your first day to go.

"are you excited-"

kenma was quickly cut off by your teachers' voice coming into the classroom.

"good mornin' students! i'm mrs. yui, glad you all can make it! let's get started, shall we?"

you and kenma made eye contact once again and quickly turned away.

'well, this sure sucks...'


the bell rang, indicating that class was finally over. you sighed in relief and packed your things. you didn't do any work today, it was just an introduction. you packed your stuff and quickly made your way to the door. kenma wasn't long behind you- in fact, he was trying to catch up with you.

as you exited the classroom, you felt a hand on your right arm.

"hey y/n, can we-"

kenma was once again got cut off by hearing someone call out your voice.

"HEY Y/N~!" you looked towards your right to see nishinoya and tanaka running towards you. kiyoko was not long behind them. kenma let go of your arm and just stood there.

"can we go to the cafe near our school?" tanaka asked. "it would be...kiyoko, nishinoya, me, and you!"

"oh uh...sure?" you smiled awkwardly.

"yay! let's go! let's go!" nishinoya and tanaka lightly tugged you.

you turned your head back towards kenma with an apologetic smile.

"it's fine, have fun," kenma sent you a small smile. you nodded your head and started walking away from kenma with tanaka, nishinoya, and kiyoko.

you all went to the cafe, having a good time, and talking about your day.

head cannon that nishinoya and
tanaka are good at fashion and stuff

AUTHOR'S NOTE: head cannon that nishinoya andtanaka are good at fashion and stuff

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