There have been many soulings seen throughout our universe and neither have the same real appearance or hair color, each of them generally stand the same height and born at the same time which was 73.5 billion years ago way before man. They should generally be considered as the first species but a question you may wonder is just how many of these lil guys are there and when exactly was the moment they were born brought into light. Well since space was stretching for a very long time since its creation it's safe to assume that if we can discover the moment soulings were born then we can discover just how many were created. Our first instinct was to talk to soulings that knew how to speak such as the Greecious souling which evolved by understanding both ancient and modern Greece. However we ran into the same problem and that was that whenever the souling evolves its memory gets wiped since its brain changes physically and psychologically when evolving so its memories get rebooted into it's new life of being some souling with the wonders of greece. So we can't exactly ask soulings when they were born so we must do it a different way. To understand how many soulings Are in 1 universe we have to know how large our universe is currently which would take A LONG TIME FOR HUMANITY to accomplish. Hold your horses humans because if you think you can just give up counting stars for eternity you have some unintended help. The StarGazer souling which was discovered in 2015 and its powers Discovered in 2017 which was the key that unlocked the answer we were looking for. The stargazer souling is a 2.3 meter tall souling evolution with compound eyes which is actually not 2 normal eyes it's actually 2 trillion tiny eyes more than that of a fly. And the souling itself also has a set of wings made of space dust and particles which it collected during its evolution process. This souling is the key because it has the power to map EVERY SINGLE STAR in the night sky and calculate how far or close they are which then makes it easier for us to figure out just how large our universe currently is. And with some collaboration with the stargazer souling concluded by calculating the distance and ratio of other solar systems and galaxies it turns out our universe is a whopping 93 billion light years in diameter which is our current number for how large it currently is. Now all we have to do is figure out the time all the soulings were birthed into the universe and this one took a long time as well because we need to figure out the exact time frame. In 2023 the helper for this equation was the Charged particle souling which seemed to be super duper old evolution that may have been one of the more frequent. The charged particle souling ate many particles during that time which meant it was able to have experienced the first particles as a souling and after testing its memory with a taste test it gave us the answer. "I remember now eating these, once I gained the overall scent of them I realized that whole bubble had 3.28 x 10^80 of them to gorge on" was his answer and now we had how many atoms were currently in the universe so using that plus the age of the evolution which was 73.4 billion years old meant that there is approximately 10x10^3700 soulings in this universe alone. WOW, that is more particles and years it took for humans to ever walk the planet let alone it would mean that in an instant the universe was literally piledrived by these tiny guys due to its size being so small and quickly growing. This though comes with a terrifying and utterly malicious idea for what this means for our general existence.
How Soulings Change EVERYTHING
Science Fictionwhile I was experimenting with creating new souling evolutions something clicked in my brain and I realized I accidentally created something that makes the blackhole like a pebble in the realm of mystery our universe holds. since the existence of so...