Chapter 14

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Chaeyoung focuses on her computer screen. Her hands typing but her eyes focus on the screen.

She has been non-stop working without break. Then, someone opens her door.

"Chae, I need some A4 paper. Do you have?" Jungkook asks.

"I run out of it also. I think we should go grab it at the store." Chae said.

"Great. Let's go." He responds.

Jimin stretches his arms out and gets up. He standing in front of the big glass and admire the view.

He takes a deep breath and let it out. Taehyung words flying over his mind. The scene where Chaeyoung seems about him this morning can't get out of his head.

Maybe Tae was right. I do have a chance but...

Jimin turns around and looks at Rose's picture on his desk.
"What if...I lost her like I lost Rose...again?" He mutters.

He is scared if it happens again. While he busy with his thought, his phone ringing making him flinched.

"Hello?" Jimin speaks.

"Good morning, Mr. Park." Mr. Jack's voice filled his ears.

"Oh. What do you want?" Jimin turns serious.

"I just want to tell you that I had enough money now. I know you must be thinking that I don't want to pay. And your thought is true." He giggles.

"Pay? Pay what?" Jimin furrows his eyebrows. Because Chaeyoung said she handled it already.

And she was right. Money already transferred in his bank company.

"Come on, Mr. Park. Don't be sarcastic with me. I will pay your debt. Are you busy this afternoon?" Mr. Jack said.

"Hold on. Didn't you...already pay it?" Jimin asks curiously.

"What? I haven't pay it, Mr. Park. Stop being ridiculous." He chuckles. "Who told you I already pay?" He asks.

"My assistant. Ms. Park." Jimin answer.

"Oh. That beautiful lady." Mr. Jack snaps his fingers. Jimin clenches his fist when heard her call her beautiful.


"She did meet me but I told her that I will pay when I want. That's all. I don't know after that. Who knows. She might use another money to help me pay. It funny, right?" Mr. Jack laughs.

Jimin narrows his eyes and tries to think. Then, something makes him gasp. He remembers when he heard Chaeyoung talking with Taehyung on the phone and saying his name.

That time also begging for something with Taehyung. Now everything makes sense.

"Mr. Jack, I would like you to pay. I will be free this afternoon." Jimin states.

"Whatever. See ya." He hangs up.

Jimin pokes his inner cheeks with his tongue. He hates it when Chaeyoung lied to him and did something like this.

What Jimin wants to know right now is, who's money she borrows with?

"Here. " Jungkook put down the box.

"Thanks for helping me, Kook." Chae smiled at him.

"It fine. You are the one who helps me first." He said. "Besides, if I run out of paper, I can go grab yours," Jungkook added.

"Yeah, right. I have to continue-"

"Chae, come to my office...NOW." Jimin speaks.

It is silent. What makes them silent is his voice. He sounds pissed or angry or something else. Chaeyoung looks at Jungkook who already staring at her.

"Did you do something bad, Chae?" Jungkook asks.

"Mmm, as far as I know, I don't know." She sighs.

"Well, if that so, good luck on it." He pats her shoulder and walks out of the office.

She hates it when Jimin angry. He is so scary. With his serious and dark eyes looking at her soul. Like he will murder someone.

Chaeyoung sighs heavily and walks to his office. Before she opens the door, she takes a deep breath first. She knocks on the door.

"Come in."

"Sir, why did you call me?" Chaeyoung asks after closing the door.

Jimin leans on his desk and crosses his arms. He signs her to come closer and she obeys him.

She looks down with her fingers playing with each other in nervous. She tries to think about what she did wrong. It a long silence. And silent making her more nerve-wracking.

"Do you have something to tell me?" Jimin spokes.

"W-What?" Chae looks at him with confusion.

"Do you have SOMETHING to tell me?" He repeats it and raised his voice a little bit.

"I...I don't know what are you refer to, Mr. Park." She said.

He let out a heavy sigh and stands up straight. He standing close to her and looking at her.

"Are you sure you don't know about Mr. Jack's debt or you pretend not?" Jimin snaps.

Chaeyoung eyes wide open when he mentions that. She lifted her gaze and saw him glaring at her.

"I...Umm...Didn't he already pay the debt, sir?" She asks.

"He did. But, I just know that...he didn't. I wonder who's money is it?" He holds his chin and pretends like thinking.

"S-Sir, I..."

"Do you know who?" Jimin raises his eyebrows.

"Yes. It was mine. More specifically, it was a Taehyung black card. I use it and pay Tae back after that. Mr. Jack wouldn't pay at the exact time you want." She explains.

"Until you use your own money for it!?" Jimin scolds her.

"I'm...Im scared of you...angry at me again..." Her hands holding tightly on her shirts.

Jimin breaths out and push his hair behind. "You don't have to pay with your money!! Chae, you waste your money!! And I didn't ask you too!!!"

She flinched when heard him yelling. She bites her lips.
"I'm sorry, sir..." Chae responds.

He tries to calm himself down. He is angry that Chaeyoung uses her own money just want to save that stupid guy.

And also for lied to him.

"I hope you wouldn't lie to me again." He said.

"I promise I wouldn't." She bowed.

Suddenly, Jimin did something without anyone expecting. He brings her to his arms and Chae yelp in surprise.

His hand stroking her hair. "I'm sorry for yell at you. I just...furious that you lied and did something like that." His voice changes into soft now.


"I'm sorry," Jimin said it again.


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