Chapter 17: Of blood and jealousy

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My gut plummets to my feet and my blood runs cold. In an instant Damien grabs my arm, hauling me behind him as he faces where the sound came from. Nasir jumps to his feet and pulls Flora to his side, drawing out his sword from his backpack. I do the same, my blade glinting in the sun.

" I've got this." Damien reaches out his hand, never taking his eyes off the forest, and I place the sword in his palm. I know it will be of more use if he wields it. Taking a step forward, blade poised, he approaches the trees carefully.

The roar emanates towards us again. Louder this time. Closer. Then heavy footfalls, thundering through the forest. The crashing of trees and birds squawking in terror, flying out of the way. The ground beneath me shudders with each pounding step. A growl so feral and deep rises up to the canopy overhead. I lock my legs, refusing to run. I can't imagine how Damien feels, standing in front of me, bending his knees into a battle stance.

At last, the incredible, hulking beast appears from the trees. He charges straight at us, teeth bared, roaring and snarling. It towers above our small group, nearly reaching the top of the forest. It barrels trees out of the way, snapping them in two with one swipe of its massive paws. I can smell it's stale breath, reeking of blood and decay. Death. That's what it is. Pure death.

That's all I can think about as I gaze up into the eyes of the colossal bear. That's all I can think about as it leaps through the air, canines the size of small animals.

Flora screams, pushing me to the ground and landing on top of me. The bear soars overhead, colliding with the earth on the other side of us. I jump to my feet, leaving Flora in the dirt. Nasir is beside us, covering his ears and with eyes closed.

The bear writhes on the ground, rolling onto its front and snapping its jaws at something on it's back. Then I spot Damien. He is clinging to the bear's fur, trying to stay astride its massive shoulders. I gape in horror and wonder as he plunges my sword through the bear's tuff hide. The beast howls, swatting at him with its paw. Damien ducts, but a sharp claw still catches his side. He shrieks in pain, letting go of its fur. The bear throws him from it's back. Damien flies through the air, his back smacking into a nearby tree trunk with a crack, before falling onto the ground. I yell his name, but he doesn't stir. The bear hears my cry and swings around, locking its wild eyes on me. I gulp, taking a stumbling step back. It advances, Damien's blade still lodged in its side. Blood is oozing from the wound and spattering the muddy, dead leaves with crimson. Bile rises in my throat.

With one final roar that smothers all my senses with complete terror, the beast descends on me with razor-sharp teeth and horrific breath. But it never reaches me. With a battle cry, Nasir propels himself off the ground and rams his sword right into the bear's stomach. It releases a soul rattling cry and with its paw, hurls Nasir off the ground and into the air. He sails meters away, coming to land in a pile of twisting vines. He doesn't rise again.

Now, with both blades protruding from its body, the bear is weakened. I watch it's front right leg buckle under its weight. But the beast doesn't collapse. It growls in anger, steadying itself before leaping towards me. I bend my knees into a crouch, ready to roll out of the way when it strikes.

I never get the chance.

Just as the huge bear rises on its hind legs, towering over me like a skyscraper, there is a wet crunching sound. The bear staggers, it's jaw going slack. I gape as it tumbles to the earth, it's head smacking off of the ground. Blood seeps from its open jaws, coating its muzzle in red. I collapse to the ground in a heap, watching the life drain from its hungry eyes. There is a moment when we look at each other, seeing into the other's soul. With its eyes the bear pleads, asking why did it have to die. But I have to have imagined that. It's too late anyway. The beast is already dead.

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