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*Knock Knock*

Rose: Wh....Who's there? [Stammering]

Ajey: Rose It's me Ajey. Open the door.

You opened the door and hugged Ajey tightly.

Rose: Oh My God! Ajey.... You're here. [Panting and Crying]

Ajey: I'm here Rose. I'm right here. With you.

Rose: I'm sorry Ajey. I'm sorry. I love you. I can't live without you. [Crying]

Ajey: I'm sorry too Rose. I shouldn't have done that to you. I know I did wrong bu....but I love you. I swear. Rose please don't do this to me. I'll die. [Emotional]

Rose: I don't want to... I don't want to Ajey. Bu...But I said yes to Mommy for this. It's my fault. I couldn't help it. Th....The situation was like that you know. Sab hota chala gaya. I told you to leave that time because I promised to my Mommy that I won't meet you if you came back to me. I'm sorry. [Crying]

Ajey: Rose....Rose shhh...shant shant. Will you do as I say? Please Rose. [Cupping your face]

Rose: There's nothing we can do Ajey. I messed up things. [sobbing]

Ajey: There is. There's still an option left. Just say you'll do this for me Rose. For me? Please. [Panting]

Rose: What Ajey? What's left now?

Ajey: Rose, Run. Bhaag jao please. I'm with you. [Hugs you]

Rose: N...No I ca.... can't do this. [Stammering]

Ajey: Rose if you won't then they'll get you married. Please Rose if you love me please. Just go!

Rose: Bu....But Mom, Dad, Zayn My Family?
[Shocked and stammering]

Ajey: Rose, don't worry I'll take the blame. I love you more than myself. I need you. Please Rose. Jus...Just come with me. [Holds your hand]

Rose: No....No Ajey I can't. I love you but I can't see my family breaking again because of me. I don't know what to do. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. [Crying hard]

Ajey: Rose please trust me I'll fix everything. I know it was my fault to leave you like that. But I love you. I love you so much. Trust me. Please Rose just get away from here. For me. [Panting]

Rose: No Ajey it's not that simple. [Crying]

Ajey: I think I got the answer Rose. I should leave now. [Starts to leave]

Rose: N....No....Ajey please don't. I'm stuck. I can't do anything. [Holds Ajey tight]

Ajey: You can Rose but you don't wanna. What's the point of me staying here? You can't say No to this wedding for me. What else should I expect now? [Furious]

Rose: No Ajey please. We will find a way together. Please stay with me. Please. I love you. Don't go. I want you. Talk to my Mom about this please. [Panting and Crying]

Ajey: Ju....Just leave me Rose. Do what you want.. I won't interfere in your life now. It's enough. And I'm not talking to your Mom or anybody. Get married to whomever you want. I don't care. [Furious]

Rose: You don't care? Huh! You don't care. I get it. Thankyou. [Steps back]

Ajey: Rose....Rose....See I didn't meant that. I'm just worried to lose you.

Rose: You didn't meant that? Really Ajey? You're worried to lose me? Well now you've lost me. Get away from here.

Ajey: Rose...we were here to sort things out. Don't make this complicated.

Rose: It is complicated Ajey. It is complicated. I don't wanna listen a thing now. I don't want to be burden on you anymore. We're done Ajey. [Shouts]

Ajey: Fine you're free from now. I won't interfere anymore. Have a nice life. [Angry]

Ajey left. You sat on the floor crying. You couldn't believe what was going on. You got up tore a page from your diary and wrote another letter.

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