Chapter One

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You tapped your pen nervously as you looked at the clock seeing that you have a meeting with the famous Dr. Loomis, you sighed and looked to see some patients staring at you here and there. Giving you judgy glares knowing that the rumors are true, that you will be a nurse for one of the most famous and haunting serial killers from Haddonfield, you knew Smith's Grove ward was highly protected and under the eyes of the government making sure the people in it will not get out. You wondered if they ever treated the patients here right, you were only just a support nurse for the medication, physical health, and making sure to notify the patients where their next appointment is. 

You were now a personal nurse for someone who you don't even really know what to expect since they are known for their actions. Your friends got into your mind teasing you about how the patient would end up killing you but you knew that wouldn't happen at all since there was high security here. 

"Hello, you are Y/N L/N correct? sorry for the wait." a raspy voice spoke making you slightly jump, you look over to your side near the now open door to see Dr.Loomis,

"Ah yes that's me- It's alright I understand that your job can be a handful. I finished the paperwork and I finished reading the file for the patient." you softly smiled as he took the folder from your hands. Dr.Loomis then leads you to his office, the slight scent of cigarettes.

You look around seeing a typewriter and some books, you look over to your right to see a bunch of newspapers of past murders. You scrunch your nose a bit in disgust seeing the dead bodies exposed on the newspaper. You look away and slightly felt Dr.Loomis's glare at you making you raise a brow. 

"The patient's name is Michael Myers, known as the shape of Haddonfield for his evil crimes. You are now his new main nurse who will be in charge of his physical health, medication, daily activities to keep his mind busy, remember the simple rules of this patient are strict. Do not look at him in the eyes, do not be his friend you are his nurse only, and last but not least is always click the small alarmer that is on multiple walls of the ward in case he tries anything." Loomis stated in a strict tone while you nod. 

You were anxious at the fact that you will be a nurse for a known serial killer, you dealt with many patients but never high leveled ones where they lost themselves. Loomis sighed knowing that the number of nurses Michael had ended up badly injured or dead. 

Something told Loomis that maybe you will be different, he hoped that once Michael meets you he won't mind you that much. He doesn't give a shit for the nurses at all until they make him angry, you needed to be extra careful but little did Loomis know that you are as gentle as a honey bee in a field of flowers.

"Okay, today you will meet Myers. As well as starting the normal routine for him. I'm sure you memorized it." he explained with his gruff voice, you let out a shaky sigh and nod. 

"Alright I'm ready, I made sure to do everything according to the file," you said, he smiled and opened the door for you two to go to an elevator.

Loomis clicked the button and waited for the elevator doors to open, some moments pass by and it finally opened. You noticed there were a guard and a patient with chains, you walk into the elevator and looked at Loomis while he pressed the button to the level you guys were heading to.

You felt someone watching you making you feel uncomfortable, you look over to your side seeing the patient with a long smirk looking at you. You looked away instantly and moved a bit to the side away from him. You look over to the guard and lock eye contact making you wave slightly.

"Is she the nurse who will be looking after Myers, Loomis?" the guard said with a joking manner, Loomis chuckled.

"She sure is, I'm sure everything will work out fine. Y/N here has experience with these types of things," Dr. Loomis said while the guard nodded, you nervously smiled and fiddled with your pen again. 

Therefore,You and Me.(Michael Myers x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now