Redhead Introduction

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Jaune was kind of sick of the gossip at this point.

It had been a few weeks since he and Yang had made their return to school, to which the headmaster gave them high marks for their exemplary performance and the amazing feedback from the villagers. Commended so much that he lauded them as "one of the finest duos to grace the floors of Signal". High praise for the disgraced prince who used to get bullied every few classes. 

But that brought a new beast entirely. And although Yang was impervious to the backhanded compliments and obvious slander from the girls and the prude and ungentlemanlike looks from the boys, Jaune, for a lack of better words, was not. His rather traumatizing time here with the abusive populace of Signal made him awkward and mute, his self-confidence less than ideal for dealing with the scornful looks from the girls and the jealous glares from the guys.

And even though he knew he could reliably kick everyone's asses gave him a boost, it made him a target for less direct forms of bullying. Rumors spread like wildfire, and every person gave him a dirty look at every opportunity. 

Questions of why Yang chose him as her partner for the foreseeable future.

Conjectures of him forcing her into his servitude.

The comments of him being a prude and a perv, which was entirely ironic considering of the stuff most boys tended to do in Yang's presence.

There was even the rumor that Jaune had blackmailed Yang into having sex with him at the hotel, which was not only wrong, but insulting to his character and morals.

 He was a believer in consent, believe it or not, and sought it out for everything he did involving Yang, from laundry to homework. He also wondered why would Yang settle for him when she could just beat his ass into a pulp.

Which is why Jaune had opted to eat his lunch in his dorm room. The peace and quiet of one's own room was not to be understated, freeing him to read Muttonlet and Stillspeare as he munched on his hand-made Shepherd's Pie, listening to Latinia Rock(Latin). 

His had flipped the parchment, the soft ripple of stripped bark going unheard as the soft crooning of the electric guitar and the trumpets in the background, the fast and blistering lines of the crisp brass in tandem with the steady beat of the drum set. The rough and aggressive tone of the singer resonated so crisply with the jaw-dropping riffs and screaming notes of the skilled guitarist. Jaune just licked his lips in appreciation, both for his food and the delicious music. 

And if you said, 

  this world wasn't good enough,

I would give my world to lift you up

I could change my life 

to better suit your move~   

Jaune hummed softly to the catchy tune, the tantalizing riffs pumping in his ears. His foot instinctively tapped over and over to the beat of the song. Softly, he whispered the lyrics to no one in particular. Lost in the world of music, Jaune bobbed his head to the music, his whole body now entranced by the crooning of the vocalist and the sheer skill of the guitarist.

Standing up to put his dishes in the sink, Jaune deftly began to step to the rhythm. His feet swirled as he hummed the spicy and pirate-like song, limbs moving in a coordinated fashion as he lost himself to the skill of the musicians. This was music, and Jaune could not hide the fact that he was an absolute music geek. 

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