I Want A Foursome Prank

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                    Niwue P.O.V

"Wassup youtube it's ya girl Nique and I'm back with a banger prank on Kentrell so today I have my bestfriend here and her boyfriend Ben is downstairs with Kentrell so we're going to say we want a foursome and see how they react"I said

Mariah looked nervous

"You nervous"

She nodded

"Are you"

I nodded

"So I'm going to call them up here and we gon start this prank"I said

"You ready"I asked and she nodded"okay let's do this"

"KENTRELL"I yelled down the steps

"YEAH"he yelled back



2 minutes later he walked in with his phone in his hands

"Wha you you need"he said looking at me

"Um I have to take to you"I said

"Um okay why she in here"he said mugging Mariah

For some reason he doesn't like her but everytime I ask him he say there isn't a reason I just don't like her

She mugged him back

"Look I don't know why you don't like me but you don't got to look at me like you hate me and I'm ugly"she said rolling her eyes at the end

"You are all those things"he said

Me and her gasped

"Kentrell you can not say that"I said

"I did and I'll do it again"he said shrugging

I just shook my head

"But the reason I called you up here is because I wanted to ask you something but I think we need ben here to"I said nervous

He tilted his head

"Ok"then he yelled"AY BEN"

"WHAT"he yelled back



"Why you had to be so loud"I said mugging him

"Fix yo face fore I do"he said sending me a glare

I straightened my face quick and Mariah laughed and I mugged her

Then Ben came up the steps

"Oh what's this why ere'body in here"he said with a questionable face

"No it's not but me and Mariah want to ask you guys something"I said smiling

They tilted they head and have me the face to continue

"So we were wondering if all of us could have a foursome"I said tilting my head

They looked at each other for a moment then busted out laughing and me and Mariah looked confused

"Fareal what y'all call us up here for"Kentrell said still laughing about to cry

We smacked our lips

"We serious babe why you think we playing"I said fake pouting

"Because y'all out y'all rabbit ass minds if y'all think we all gon fuck"they said at the same time

That shit was creepy

"Fine we gon show you then"I said acting like I was taking off my shirt and Mariah acted like she was gon take off her pants

"Aye the fuck y'all doing"they said grabbing our necks

"We told y'all we wanted a foursome so if y'all don't want to we just gone fuck ourselves"I said shrugging

They looked at is like we was stupid

"Neither of y'all have a dick so who gone stick it in"Ben said

"We can get a dildo and we can both wear it I'm pretty sure it's bigger than both of y'all"Mariah said

"I don't know about Ben but you can't speak on me you don't know how my dick look"Kentrell said

"But I can and it ain't that much"I said making a yikes face

He grabbed my neck harder

"Don't play with me like that"he said sounding mad

"I'm sorry but it's the truth"I said laughing and shrugging my shoulders

"But like we said y'all ain't fucking and neither is all of us so cut that shit right now"Ben said

"It's alright me and her already fucked before"Mariah said shrugging


"We both got dildos and shit hidden"Mariah said

I nodded and they looked at eachother and nodded then they went downstairs

Me and Mariah was confused but we weren't more when they came back with guns


I'm guessing that wasn't enough because they cocked them back

"THE CAMERA IS RIGHT THERE CALM DOWN"I yelled before they shot us

They looked were I pointed and smacked they lips and went back downstairs

Me and Mariah laughed even though we almost got kilt and I grabbed the camera and we walked downstairs

"How y'all feel"she asked

They just looked at is with mugs on they face

"That shit wasn't funny this pranking shit gon get y'all kilt so watch what you do"Kentrell said

Ben nodded in agreement

"It was just a prank calm your tits"I said

He looked at me and said

"Stop playing with me before I break your neck and something else"he said smirking at the end

"Oop"me and Mariah said

"But this is the end of the video make sure you guys like comment and subscribe and we'll see y'all in the next video-"I said

"PEACE"everyone yelled

                          The end

Sorry for any mistakes hoped you liked it


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