One-Shot: Christmas

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THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE STORY LINE OF THIS STORY! It is just a one shot I wrote for fun and I wanted to share it with you guys for Christmas and to make up for my absence :) hope you guys enjoy.


This is not edited! So please excuse the errors.

One-shot: Christmas 

Christmas morning.

--Emily's POV:

I smiled as my eyes opened slowly. I could already hear Stiles yelling downstairs with Scott and my mom and Mr. Stilinski telling them to keep it down and control themselves.

My smile grew, knowing that it was Christmas morning. Every year since Stiles mother passed away, him and his father would come to my house to celebrate Christmas and open presents.

I quickly dressed into a black long sleeve shirt and jeans and rushed downstairs. I was met by five big smiles as I turned into the living room. Stiles, Mr. Stilinski, mom, Scott, and Sean all sat around the living room with coffee and hot coco in their hands.

"Good morning." My mom said with a smile.

"Merry Christmas!" Stiles chirped.

"Good morning and Merry Christmas." I replied.

Sean motioned for me to come sit next to him and I happily did.

"Here." He said as he handed me an extra cup of hot coco. "Merry Christmas Em."

"Thank you Sean." I laughed.

"All right! Who is ready for presents?" Mr. Stilinski's low voice echoing around the living room.


"Thank you all so much. It's beautiful." My mother said as she sat the last present to be opened down on the table. Scott, Stiles, and I had all pitched in to get her this silver watch she has been wanting for the longest time.

"It's no problem mom." Scott said.

They all continued to talk and laugh about random things but I couldn't help but notice that something, rather someone, was missing.

Derek had been quiet lately and when I asked him about it he would just grin and tell me not to worry.

I excused myself from the party and walked into the kitchen where I leaned against the counter. I could still here the laughter from the others in the living room as I pulled out my phone.

My fingers moved slowly over the phones glass screen as I typed a message to Derek. I asked him where he was.

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