Chapter 6: A New Flower To Bloom

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S. Rose's POV:

It was the next morning and like I said last night I was on my way to the garden to add some new flowers! I don't know why I was adding them but something about River's smile when he was happy made me smile as well!

After a bit of walking and work I had started to add the Iris flower to the garden.

-about 15 minutes later-

River's POV:

After getting ready I was making my way to the garden where Rose should be currently. I turned the corner to see Rose in the garden. His hands were covered in dirt due to adding the flowers.

River: Morning Rose... The flowers look lovely!

Rose: T-thanks River I'm glad you like them!

Third Person's POV:

River and Rose decided to hang out in the garden to get to know each other better of course it was River's idea so, Rose had to comply even though he thought it was a weird thing to do.

Back at the camp Mario and the others were trying to come up with a plan to rescue River from the Seductive Rose not knowing that a "friendship" had blossomed between them. River knew something was up but didn't want to worry Rose about it so he stayed quiet.

Rose didn't understand why he was being so kind to River or why his heart acted the way it was when River was around him. He was supposed to be the bad guy yet here he was making sure that River was healthy and happy to say he didn't understand was an understatement. Rose knew that River was changing something within him but didn't know what he didn't really mind the change even though he knew he probably should yet he didn't.

Rose didn't want to say it but he liked having River around actually.... nice. He didn't really have anyone to talk to before until he kidnapped River. Now the question that was in his mind was...




"Should he continue the plan or... stop?!"

[Raven: I hope you guys like the update of the story! See you all in the next one and until next time... BYYYYEEEE!!!]

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