Part 9

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The night air was crisp and a few fireflies danced around Pedro's backyard. Out of his screen door he had a fire pit and four outdoor chairs around it. There was a small table in between two of the chairs and he set down the wine and the glasses.

He began to start the fire and in a few minutes Haven was suddenly warm by the open flames. She sat down in one of the chairs and watched as Pedro opened the wine and poured the two glasses.

He handed her one gingerly and held his glass to her, "Salud!" He said it with slight enthusiasm and Haven thought he seemed slightly tipsy.

She smiled back at him regardless and clinked their glasses together. They drank in silence for a few minutes just listening to the sounds of the night. There were a few crickets and the fire crackling in front of them.

Haven was unknowingly staring into the flames when she shifted her eyes to Pedro. He was watching her with steady eyes and he didn't look away when their gaze met.

She was glad for the glow of the fire around them so that Pedro couldn't see her blushing. His gaze was intense as he lifted his glass to his mouth to take a sip. The serious moment was suddenly ruined when Pedro missed his lips by a hair and wine spilled on his shirt.

"Oh maldita sea," he cursed in Spanish under his breath. He stood up quickly and set his glass on the table. Haven chuckled to herself and even Pedro let out a short laugh.

He gave Haven a smile before excusing himself and saying "I'll be right back." He walked into the house, leaving the screen door open behind him.

Haven sat where she was, nursing her glass of wine. In a few sips it was empty and she poured herself another glass. She looked up at the sky and saw a few stars twinkling back at her.

She let out a soft sigh as she watched an airplane fly over, blinking lights looking like a UFO. She sat for a few more minutes before taking a peek at her phone at the time. It was almost 10 now and she had no idea how long Pedro wanted her here.

He still had not come back in from changing his shirt and Haven was curious what he was up to. She stood up from her chair and walked into the house with her wine glass in tow.

"Pedro?" She called out to the empty kitchen. He had turned most of the lights off and the house was quiet. She walked into the living room and looked down the hallway. It was dark besides one light in the farthest room, it was Pedro's room.

Haven took a long sip of her wine before he feet began to move her in the direction of the room. Like a moth to a flame, she walked straight towards the light. As she got closer she saw the door was open, but the room also looked empty.

"Pedro?" She called out again, this time a little louder.

There was no reply as she inched near the open door. She paused in the door way and listened to the sounds of the room. She could hear water running in the connected bathroom.

Haven stepped into the room and she could see the bathroom door was ajar. She opened her mouth to speak his name again, when he walked in from the bathroom.

Pedro was shirtless and carrying his wine stained shirt. He looked up at Haven was a slight look of surprise, but didn't seem to notice or care that he was half naked in front of her.

"Hey," he said in a husky voice.

Haven couldn't stop her eyes from moving down his body, to his toned stomach and slight V of his hips.

"He- hey," she stammered a reply and turned her gaze to a blank space on the wall.

Pedro was quiet as he walked towards the dresser on the other side of the room. He threw the dirty shirt in a laundry basket and opened a drawer of the dresser. He quickly picked a t shirt and turned back to look at Haven.

"You alright?" He asked, pausing his movements with his arms looped through the shirt. It rested at his stomach as he looked at her for a reply.

Haven stepped closer to Pedro and willed her eyes to meet his. "It's getting late," she stated, ignoring his question.

Pedro glanced at the wall to a large clock that read it was past 10. "Ah it's not too late," he looked back at her. "Do you need to leave?"

He began to pull his shirt over his head and in a swift motion he pulled it over his body.

Haven was still staring and she looked down at her shoes. "I mean, I just didn't know how long you wanted me ... I don't want to over stay my welcome.. you know?" She was tripping over her words and her face felt was she was sitting near the fire again.

In a few strides Pedro was in front of her and placing his hand on her arm. His touch was soft and caring, he gave her a squeeze.

Haven looked up into his brown eyes and felt her heart do a summersault.

"Haven," her name rolled off Pedro's tongue, "you can stay as long as you'd like."

They were only a few feet from each other now and they kept each other's gaze for a moment. Pedro's hand still rested on Haven's forearm and he moved it up her arm.

His fingers trailed up to her shoulders and then over her collarbones. His thumb touched her neck, her jawline and then her cheek.

Pedro's gaze moved to Haven's lips and he opened his mouth to speak. His hand rested on the side of her neck as he other hand reached to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Haven?" He said in a low voice.

She could hardly breath from how close their bodies were to one another. "Y-yes?"

Pedro stepped even closer and she could feel his body heat radiating. "May I kiss you?"

Haven felt like she was floating and her words came out in a soft voice. "Yes, please."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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