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Middle school is a blur but, I do know it was alright every now and then. My friends would tell me about their love lives. Such happiness I felt for them but, envied how happy it was. Not to be lonely. Loneliness had conquered my life and ran it. I had no past love lives or anything for that matter. I was pretty much an outcast by others. My only true friends was Madeline and Luke. Madeline always understood me somehow so she kept her love life status low. Luke was a high school student. Darn cute. The fact of him being in a high school student and his love life made him off the market. "Hey Amy, what's up, girl?" Luke hollered. I shrugged. "Awww, come on." He grinned. He leaned and kissed my forehead as he usually does to cheer me up. Of course, I blush lightly. I get a death stare from Sandra. Not only that; I had gotten five lockers worth of threatening letters and he doesn't know. I can't let him know any way or how so I would trash them immediately. Through out the day he tries so hard to cheer me up but, fails with so much effort. No one knows about the letters. No one knows I'm depressed as heck. Two secrets in almost four years is a downer. "Hey, a friend of mine, Alexander is having a party this evening. You should come." He invited. "I don't know........" I managed. "I done talked to ya grandpa. He's a-letting you come." He smiled. "Ok, why did ya ask me then?" I asked. He shrugged. Me at a senior party? Maybe it'll be fun. When I got home I put on a pink knee length sun dress and walked out the door. Luke was out there waiting in his red Chevy Camro. It was silent the whole thirty minutes there. When we pulled up; I seen Sandra running to greet him. "You wasn't joking about inviting her?" She asked. "Nope. She's like a sister to me." He explained. "Oh ok, the guys are waiting for so why don't you hang out with them? I'll show her around." She said a bit mischievously; unnoticeable by him. "Ok, thanks babe." He said cheerfully. "Alright, here's Alexander, Chase, Braxton, Thomas, and Jackson. Why don't you hang out with them?" She smirked. "Yeah, it'll be fun." Alexander grinned mischievously. I turn to leave but, Sandra had already left. If I tried to follow I would've gotten lost. Then Alexander grabbed my arm and said, "Where do you think you're going, doll?" I jerked away, started to run but, they had blocked me in. "Feisty." He laughed. The guys agreed. The next thing I knew; they were ganging up on me. They started to strip me. I fought and tried to scream over the party music. Soon I was in tears as they laughed. Then there was a banging on the door and Luke busted in. "What the heck are you doing!!!!!!!!!!" He hollered. "Awww, chill bro, we were just having fun." Alexander said, trying to make it sound better than it was. "By taking an advantage of an fourteen year old in the eight grade?!" He half asked; half exclaimed. "Look at her! She's practically a doll!" Alexander exclaimed commenting my looks. I found my dress, slide it back on, and cringed in the corner. Luke came over and escorted me to his car. "I'm sorry about that. Alex and the guys were drunk." He apologized. "It could've been worse." I shrugged. "How? They almost had a complete advantage over you?" He asked in confusion. "That would have been worse if they did." I said staring out the window blankly. "Do you mind if we go to my house? We could get rid of that frown before you go home." He said, brushing my cheek. I nodded, still looking out the window because I blushed a bit. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I didn't mean to but, that whole situation was tiring.

(Luke's POV)

I noticed she fell asleep so I left her alone. All I can see is her face when she had cringed in the corner earlier. It terrifies me. She shouldn't have experienced that. Such terror will give her nightmares. I pulled up in the driveway, parked, and carried her to my house. My parents gave me responsibility early at freshman year so I live in this small house near my
parents. I pay rent, for groceries, and other needs using what I earned at Hardee's. I laid her on the sofa and covered her up. She cringed at the touch of the blanket. That saddened me. I laid back in my recliner. As I just got comfortable she exclaimed in fear. I jumped up to reassure her that she's safe. I held her in my arms as she cried. She pressed her head in my chest and held on tight. That moment I knew I was going to protect her. She backed up and wiped her tears away. I handed her the tissues. She smiled. Her face wasn't red anymore but, you still could see the fear in her eyes. "Ok, we need to get you back at your grandpa's." I said. She nodded. "We're not telling your grandpa, ok?" I said to reassure her. She nodded again. I drove the 'new' and 'happy' Amy home. She'll never be the same. Before she got out; I gave her my number, just in case she needed me.

(Amy's POV)

I waved bye as he drove off. "Did you have fun?" Grandpa asked. "It was blast." I lied. He grinned and went back to his garden. I would've helped but, he insists that a lady doesn't work in the garden. Sometimes when he's not around; I'll pick the garden in the early morning and late at night. The garden usually clears my mind and I enjoy it. Good thing it's not a huge one. I went in to my room to read but, all the books I had was romance or reminded me of what happened earlier. I grabbed two medium size boxes and boxed the books up. I hid them in the closet. Hopefully he won't notice the missing books. I went to the kitchen to get a Dr. Pepper. I found beer in the fridge. Shocked at the sight; I threw them away in the outside trash can. Grandpa's grief of grandma's death is getting worse. She died four years ago to lung cancer. She was like a mom to me. I never knew my mom. She died giving birth to me. My dad was so upset he just drove off and ran a red light. A rig crashed into him; killing him instantly. So I was an orphan and didn't know much about my parents. Grandpa walked in caring his veggies for dinner. He wants me to have a healthy and long life. Salad for dinner. "Scoot." He said shooing me out the kitchen. Not long after that; we ate dinner. I told him I was tired and went to bed. I must've had a nightmare because grandpa was next to the bed but, he wasn't moving or anything. I check on him. No pulse. He probably tried to wake me up but, couldn't and had a heart attack. I call 911 and let them know what happened. An ambulance was on the way. I tried to help him in any way I could've. I called Luke, explained everything and, he told me he'd be on his way. I did my best to help grandpa. I seen Luke's car lights shine through the window. He ran in and checked to see if grandpa was alright. An ambulance was near by when I called earlier so they arrived five minutes later. They rushed him to the ER.

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