The Friend Lock

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G; Sports Action

Location: University Place, Washington

Time: 1:03 PM, January 20, 2023

A snow day on a Friday. That was the dream.

At least it was for Wyatt and Martin. They hadn't seen snow like this in years, as it rarely snowed in University Place, and when it did, it usually melted hours later. Yet the universe blessed them with a foot of snow and a three-day weekend to enjoy it. Whatever I did right, though Wyatt, as he ate the PBJ his grandmother had made for him, I have to remember what it was.

Wyatt bolted out of his house after lunch, with his saucer flying along behind him.

The 13-year-old raced to Chambers Bay Park, to the hills that were absolutely perfect for sledding. He spotted Martin almost immediately. It was hard; Martin was only 15, but he had to be 6'1" already, towering over Martin's 5' stature.

Wyatt ran up to Martin and jumped in his arms.

"Hey, Slugger," Martin said slyly.

Wyatt chuckled.

"Hey, Mega-Mart," he said.

Wyatt finally let go of Martin. He held up his giant, plastic, blue saucer.

"Your choice, Martin," Wyatt said, "Rope or Handles?"

"Neither one's the safer option, so handles."

Wyatt put the saucer on the ground and hopped on. As he grabbed the rope, Martin got behind him. Wyatt glanced at Martin. He had known Martin for years, and they were best friends. But with Martin at the High School and Wyatt still at the Junior High, they rarely got a chance to hang out anymore.

Wyatt and Martin were different. He had to admit that. Wyatt was short, autistic, straight, brunette, introverted, and kind of a nerd. Meanwhile, Martin was tall, gay, blonde, extroverted, and one of the popular jocks. Of course, there was also the 21-month age difference. Wyatt had integrated himself into the coding club and film club, while Martin was varsity and theatre. However, they liked hanging out together, even though it was happening less often.

Wyatt and Martin took a deep breath.

"Ready?" asked Martin.

"Do you have to ask?" said Wyatt.

Wyatt kicked off. The saucer moved like a snail at first. Wyatt and Martin grunted. However, before Wyatt could stick his foot out to try again, the saucer zoomed down the hill, flattening the teenagers against it.

Their mouths flapped in the wind as Chambers Bay and the Golf Course morphed into blurs. Wyatt screamed, and Martin white-knuckled the handles. They both nearly wet their pants when they hit that rock, sending the saucer soaring through the air.

"I'm going to die!" Wyatt shouted.

"I'm already there!" Martin shouted back.

The saucer landed back on the hill and kept zooming towards the field. The boys' eyes widened a tree popped up in their view.

"Lean!" shouted Martin.

"Left or right?!" Wyatt hollered.

"Just lean!" Martin screamed, yanking Wyatt to the right with him. The saucer narrowly avoided the tree.

The saucer kept racing down the big hill. Suddenly, the view of the field became clearer, and they saw crowds of people playing around, oblivious of the occupied saucer rocketing towards them. Wyat started to lean, but Martin put a hand on him.

Short Stories by Matt SlaterWhere stories live. Discover now