Dreams 12

40 0 1

What the hell.
Get off him.

Travis wasn't listing to me, him and Sam were fighting to the death it seamed like.
I tore Travis off if Sam and pinned him down.

Travis what in the hell are you doing?

He kissed you Jammie, I'm not going to just stand there and watch.

I stood up now crying because he hurt Sam and I jerked my leg.

Because you hurt my best friend.
You think I don't know about you and Kelsey.
Travis had turned white.

Jammie it was once.

Yeah! And I didn't go around beating the shit out if her.
I can't believe you Travis.
I got up and Sam handed me my crutches.
We were almost out the door when Travis called back.

Jammie wait.

What Travis

I tried to use my coldest voice but I was in to much pain so my voice cracked.

What about us? You and me Jammie.

What about us Travis? There is no more you and me. There never was and there never will be.


Sorry for the short chapter but Jammie and Travis are no more.

Teaser: will she chose Sam or not.

Update coming soon

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