Midnight adventures (Snape)

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A/N: hi babies <3 I know Snape is not for everyone and not all of you like him in that way soo I made this chapter so it doesn't interfere with the plot, so if you're not into him you can skip this chapter and nothing in the plot will change don't worry, there is still some Hermionie fluff at the beginning so yk ;)

Hermionie held your hand and ran with you all over the Hogwarts halls, your robes flew with the wind as the two of you giggled and rushed over to the library, when you got there she took you to the back, she looked around and sat you on top of a table, she then pulled you in for a kiss, she held your cheek with one hand and her other hand creeped up from under your skirt, she bit her lip and then proceeded to shove to the side your soaked underwear and stroke your lips as you held in your moans, as she kissed you she placed one finger inside of you, making your eyes roll back you opened your mouth about to moan

When suddenly a mid-loud noise awoke you, making your eyes abruptly shut open, you were sleeping on your back so the first thing you could see was the ceiling

Reality hit you like a train, you realized everything was just a dream and Hermionie and you weren't yet making out in the library

But you suddenly remembered you were at least sleeping next to her, you looked over to her and she was sleeping peacefully

Her hand was  fully grabbing your boob form under your  nightgown, her index finger placed firmly on your nipple

She looked lovely as she slept, so relaxed, just laying next to you, with her hands all over you, you didn't wanted to wake her but you were curious about the loud noise you had heard

So you slowly placed your hands on top of hers, which made her move slightly, her finger moved over your nipple, stroking it gently

You quickly placed your hand on top of your mouth so you wouldn't wake her up

Hermionie was still deep asleep so you held her hand and carefully placed it on the bed as you hopped off from it

You walked on your tippy toes trying to not make a sound, you opened the door carefully and closed it behind you slowly

The dark reigned over the house, you had forgotten your wand so you had to figure out how to find out what had happened without being able to see

As you walked you placed your hands on the wall to try and get some guidance, the feeling of the wallpaper as your fingertips rubbed it made your excitement grow

The whole picture seemed surreal, like taken out of a book, there you were in the middle of a big antique house, with a flowy nightgown, the silence allowed you to hear your own heartbeat, you tried to keep your breathing as calm as possible, you were completely covered by the dark of the night, you moved slowly trying to not make a noise, the cold wooden floor under your toes gave you goosebumps making you feel the cold all over your body, the nightgown didn't help at all, you felt bare

As you turned over what seemed to be a corner you could visualize a light

It came from a small keyhole all the way over to the end of the hallway, you weren't sure if the noise had come from there, but curiosity made you walk over to it

When you got to the door, you slowly kneeled in front of it to take a peek to what was inside, you placed your hands over the door and got your eye on top of it

As your eye covered the keyhole completely, you looked around the room to try and figure out what was going on, you could visualize a lot of movement, one person pacing around and moving things from one place to another

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