3# How he asks you out

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How he asks you out

Aaron Hotchner:
"Hello, Mr Hotchner", you greet the FBI agent. He smiles and puts the cage on the table. "I hope you're alright", Aaron answers friendly. "I'm fine thanks. Speedy seems to be okay. Only one or two weeks then Jack has a few new companions", you explain with a grin. "He's very excited and can't wait", Aaron replies. You just nod. An awkward silence is between you and him. No one knows what to say. "Alright. Maybe I'll see you, Speedy and the little hamsters again", you break the ice. "Yes. I hope so", he answers and leaves the room. You sigh and feel somehow alone. Nevertheless you work hour for hour. "The last patient, (Y/N)", tells you the assistant. "Alright", you mumble. Surprisingly Aaron stands in front of you. "Please don't ask. I sit for hours on the bench and think about the right words. Thanks to Speedy I met you and know I ask you if you want to drink a coffee with me", the FBI agent explains the reason. "Yes, of course", you answer and blush.
Derek Morgan:
Again just a normal workday, but a surprise waits for you. After your break you enter the bar. Confused you raise your eyebrows. A large bouquet stands on the counter. You don't know for whom the flowers are intended, 'cause there is no card. "I see you like the flowers, (Y/N)", you hear a voice. Derek leans with a grin against the counter.  "Yeah, they're beautiful. I'm impressed. How do you know my name?", you want to know. "You never asked me about my job", Derek answers mysteriously. You sigh and shake your head. "Alright. Where do you work?", you don't give up. "FBI", the man says simple. "Are you kidding me?", you mumble surprised. "I would like to know you better and not with the help of files. Coffee?", Derek asks you out. You just nod, 'cause you're speechless.
David Rossi:
You're still working even though it's already late. Your phone rings, but you don't recognize the number. "(Y/F/N) (Y/L/N) is speaking", you say formal. "Good evening! It's Dave, your saviour", the FBI agent answers with a short laugh. Your heart skips a beat. Surprised you drop the pen. "Yeah, thanks again", you try to keep calm. "No problem ... Um... How are you?", apparently he wanted to ask something else. "Fine. How are you?", you reply. An awkward silence is between you and him. The agent clears throat. "Not so good, 'cause I miss something and I can't find it", Dave explains, but you don't understand the hint. "And what is this something?", you ask confused. Again this awkward silence. "Um...Forget it please. I would like to go out with you, 'cause I miss your beautiful smile", the FBI agent asks you now directly. "With pleasure", you answer immediately.
Spencer Reid:
You're just on the way to the BAU team, because you've some interesting information about a case. Shortly before the big office, you hear a softly voice. "I can't say that she hits me like a bomb. I don't know. It sounds like a cheap pick-up line", you listen to the conversation. You can't explain this feeling, but you believe the voice speaks about you. "I'm out of ideas. You have to improvise", you recognize Derek's voice. Without thinking you just open the door. "Um...Sorry! Am I disturbing?", you ask innocently and smile like an angel. Spencers face is pure red and he mumbles some words. "Um... Garcia wanted to see me. I have to go!", Derek say goodbye and leaves us alone. "Are you okay, Spencer?", you ask him worried. He just shakes his head. The doctor looks in your eyes. "I try all day long to find the right words, but my head is empty. The pick-up lines from Derek are terrible. I'm just speechless when you enter the room. Do you want to go out with me?", Spencer takes all his braveness together. "I'd love to", you answer with a smile.

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