Free time

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Ashoka walked onto my ship. "Dont gotta embarrase me like that." She said to herself. "Something wrong soka'?" I said. "Oh nothing" "They're giving you shit, don't listen to them." "Never thought curse words would help me like that." "Mmta enfe ma" "what does that mean?" I smiled. "Mmta enfe ma" "I hate it when you do that." She smiled as well. "Cut the chat lovebirds." I heard from a dark corner. "What?" I said. "Dad taught me geonosian too." "Boba don't you dare" i said. "Whats going on?" Ashoka asked. "Well in geonosian serlin just said..." I gave him a look letting him know ill kill him if he tells a soul. In geonosian mmta enfe ma means I think your beautiful. If boba tells her I'm going to die of embarrassment. "Boba your gonna die if you say another word." "It means...... I think your beautiful." "Oh good god." I turned around and walked up to the cockpit. I put my hands over my face. "Fuck" I said to myself.  "Hello serlin?" Ashoka said. "Sentam sletna su." "I don't know what that means." She said shyly. "Well it means: I'm gonna kill him" I said with my hand on my forehead holding my head up. "Oh. Well ill tell him that." She said. "I can tell him myself." I walked down to boba. "Take off your helmet." "Ok" he did. Then I punched him in the nose. "What the hell?" I walked back up. "Set course for kamino." "Kamino? Why there?" Ashoka says, still quieter than usual. I sighed. The ship rose and went into hyperspace. Soon it landed. I felt embarrassed but also happy to be at my real home planet. "So this is kamino" ashoka said. "Yeah..." I walked out. It felt strange to be walking around without my armor. I didn't put on a jacket. When I went outside I saw something. It was a small jacket. I picked it up. It wasn't too small, but it was a raincoat. I brought it back inside. "Whats that?" Ashoka asked, sitting next to me. "Is my jacket from two years ago. I lost it when running to dads ship as he fought master kenobi." He still hasn't gotten over bobas translation, She thought. "Jesterima vafno yantoba" I said to myself. "Well.... I guess we better go to tatooine." I said, trying to let go of my embarrassment. "Yeah we should"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2021 ⏰

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