Black Swan

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' Push!, Push! Push! ' the doctor was yelling at the top of his voice. He was very worried as Monica had already released more than 10 centimetres of water and the baby was still not coming out. The nurses were flying around her like flies around a steaming pile of manure. Ronald was standing outside biting his nails looking into the white walled room through a ceiling-tall glass wall. His loved one was lying on a large bed placed across the room, with the head rest lifted about 30 degrees. The organic LED display on the far side of the bed was showing an oscilloscope which registered her every heart beat. Right now the pulse was about 130 and heavily fluctuating. Another adjacent display showed her brain activity, which was of a mortally frightened person.

' I can''s really painful, please do something '

What is going on? This is supposed to be the best hospital in the county, alright. I have made all the provisions in advance, the ultrasound showed that everything was normal. They better not have to make a caesarean section. The face of the doctor began showing fear as well, as it started to become clear that there was no easy way out. Something was wrong, but he didn't know what. The information that he had concealed from Monica was that, even after a 10 centimetre release of water the baby had still not bulged even an inch. This must have been his 1000th delivery, and until now he hasn't seen anything like this. Ronald began knocking on the glass, asking if he could be of any help. The doctor quickly dismissed him with a wave of his hand and continued focusing on Monica. One of the nurses had approached the husband and began explaining him the whole situation. On the 3rd sentence the banker's face started to show a mix of sympathy, fear and rage as he began demanding to see the doctor.

' It's looking very serious, sir. Sorry that I wasn't able to come earlier. '

' Are you saying that caesarean might be the only option? '

' I'm afraid so, if we don't operate, she will die. '

' And the baby? ' asked Ronald in a trembling voice. Upon receiving a negative reply he fell into despair and was advised to wait in the lounge while the operation proceeds. The operation itself shouldn't take longer than two hours, however this time was to be the most difficult of his life. Already sensing the absence of a strictly positive outcome, Ronald began pacing up and down the waiting room demanding to know the progress every five minutes. One of the doctors decided that in the interests of Ronald and the hospital he was to take some form of a sedative and gently proposed that idea to him. After a brief but intense verbal confrontation he finally agreed to take the medicine. Even though this had a calming physical effect, psychologically all hell broke loose.

I can't, no she can't, I love her. She must not die, this will be the end of it, there must be something that I can do, I've got the chip. There has to be a reason for this, everything can be explained scientifically. This couldn't have been just a coincidence, perhaps some sort of a design flaw in her uterus, but the ultrasound would have found it....or maybe something wrong with my sperm, but what could it be? A sperm cell is just a collection of DNA, unless I had been subject to a high level of radiation it wouldn't have been damaged.... the conversation with the self continued for the full time of the operation, which was just under three hours. Ronald did not even notice the sound of the approaching footsteps of the surgeon accompanied by the characteristic echo normally produced in a spacious corridor.

' Mr. Reagan.... ' began the surgeon humbly. Those words snapped Ronald out of his paranoia trip and he jumped up from his seat

' Yes, yes '

' My name is Dr. Truman. I was the lead surgeon during your wife's caesarean section '

' Is....she alright? '

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