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It was the guild party the start of the Grand Magic games

A women walked around, having blonde hair, wings, horns and a tail wondering around, her name Relena Peacecraft, when she sensed another takeover, she walked outside, and smiled when a girl younger then her came outside, and walked towards her

Relena- "hello, I'm Relena Peacecraft, a takeover mage, but you already know that" her tone sounded motherly to the younger takeover mage

Marshie-"um hi I'm Marshie also an takeover mage, so um what is there to our magic? I haven't been able to figure anything out because of limited information" the young takeover asked,

Relena smiled softly
Relena-"well before I can tell you anything you must take an oath, but there are too many ears here, I'll give you this piece of paper, come to the abandoned house to the south of here, I'll place the instructions here" Relena said weighting on the piece of paper giving it to the younger takeover

Marshie-"alright, thanks for this I can't wait to find out more information" she said excitedly, placing the piece of paper in her pocket

The two walked back inside talking to each other, as the party continued there was another pact was formed the dragon slayer pact

-Wednesday 12:30 PM- Abandoned house - South Side of Atlantide -

Marshie approached the abandoned house quickly entering to see Relena already there sat down reading a book

Relena smiled when she looked up to see Marshie here

Relena-"hello Marshie, I'm glad to see you came" her tone was still motherly to the younger takeover

Marshie-"yeah, I wanted to learn more on my magic, and thank you mo-Relena" she said resisting her instincts to say 'mom' or 'mother'

Relena chuckled
Relena-"don't resist your instincts, first things first, it seems like we formed a takeover pact, unlike dragon slayers who have a sibling dynamic, for takeover it is a parent-child dynamic, it seems I have taken the mother role being the oldest of both of us" she said softly explaining

Marshie nodded in understanding
Marshie-"what's the oath? I need to take"

Relena-"you must understand, that after you take the oath you are sworn to secrecy and you are not allowed to tell anyone who aren't takeovers information on us"

Marahie-"I understand can you tell me the oath, I'll take it, if it means I get to learn more on my magic"

Relena-"Alright I will tell you the oath and repeat after me and respond to my questions"
Marshie nodded

Relena-"Do you Marshie take this oath to secrecy to never tell anyone any information on takeovers?"

Marshie-"I promise not to reveal any information on takeover magic"

Relena-"Repeat after me 'I Marshie, take this oath of secrecy to protect fellow takeovers, and shall follow the rules of takeovers and will stay at the island away from society, if I break this scared oath"

Marshie breathed out
Marshie-"I Marshie, take this oath of secrecy to protect fellow takeovers, and shall follow the rules of takeovers and will stay at the island away from society, if I break this scared oath"

There was bright light of magic leaving a marking on the young takeover showing she took the oath, Relena smiled at the younger takeover

Relena-"well let's start your training dear" she said motherly

Marshie-"okay... mom" she said kinda surprised, her instincts had her call Relena mom already

-After Relena found out Kay is an takeover-

To say Relena was fast to have Kay talk to her privately, taking her to the same abandoned house she had Marshie meet her at, Marshie was already there confused on why Kay was with Relena, but ran up to Relena and hugged her anyway

Marshie-"hi mom, why did you bring Kay with you?"

Kay-"wait your Marshie's mother?" She asked surprised

Relena-"well Marshie it seems like Kay here is a fellow takeover mage and yes Kay, I am Marshie's mother" it was in a motherly tone, what surprised Kay, since she was use to Relena being cold to people

Marshie-"So is Kay a part of our pact now?"

Kay-"what pact? What's going on?" She asked confused

Relena-"well it would make sense, anyways let's sit down, we do have some explaining to do"
The other two girls nodded sitting down

Relena-"well Kay, us takeovers live in pacts, instead of a sibling relationship like dragon slayers, us takeovers have a parent-child bond, but before I can tell you more about us takeovers, you would have to take an oath to secrecy and there is no backing out from it" she said motherly placing a hand on Kay's shoulder, giving a look of understanding

Kay looked confused for a moment until she nodded confidently

Relena-"I'll tell you when you need to repeat after me, and you'll need to answer a question"

Kay-"okay, mo-Relena" Marshie chuckled that Kay did the same thing as her

Relena chuckled then sighed,
Relena-"I'll tell you the same thing I told Marshie, follow your instincts with this pact" she said softly

Kay-"okay then"

Relena-"alright let's start then, do you Kay take this oath to secrecy to never tell anyone any information on takeovers?"

Kay-"Yes! I do promise"

Relena-"repeat after me 'I Kay, take this oath of secrecy to protect fellow takeovers, and shall follow the rules of takeovers and will stay at the island away from society, if I break this scared oath"

Kay-"I Kay, take this oath of secrecy to protect fellow takeovers, and shall follow the rules of takeovers and will stay at the island away from society, if I break this scared oath"

There was bright light, leaving a marking on Kay, showing she took the oath

That was a 2 months ago, the small pact of three were an proper little family now, Relena started to take them to the takeover island once a week on Wednesday, and they all leave their guild halls at 12:30 PM

Now let the story begin......

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