part 5

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Devi was with bottle of red soda and tipped it on me Devi:oops watch it U bitch sorry what is it where YOUR from.....oh yeah U cunt. She walked outside near the pool and U walked out there too y/n:hey Devi Devi turned around y/n:oops watch were your going I said as I pushed her in the pool everyone was laughing cheering at me and I flip my hair and walk off waiting for Paxton at the car he came and hugged me and Paxton: I'm glad U stood up for yourself babe y/n:thanks baby I gave him a kiss and got in the car so did Paxton and he drove me home.i got home went to bed I was tried aNd Paxton stayed the night we cuddle all night but we woke up to something something wierd and bright......there was a fire we got out and my dog was inside and didn't make it out we saw Devi so we went to her house cuz she my naboiur and when I got there I write a note for her mum it read

Dear Devi's mum she Burt my house down a 1:37pm and I lost my dog so thought I would notify u on her from y/n and y/m/n y/l/n

The next day

I woke up with Paxton in his house some of my clothes weren't Burt so I some clothes we got to school and Devi comes up to me Devi:is your house warm now oh right what house hahaha y/n:your a freak Paxton:you are and thats why I nevered liked U your pycho

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