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Well, I couldn't resist. To My Star is just incredible. The serie is so cute and it brought me happiness every week. So I decided to write a fanfic about Seo Joon and Ji Woo. Here is the English version (I remind you that it is not my first language). Forgive me if there are any mistakes. I hope you like it. 

Enjoy ! 


After his new film, Kang Seo Joon's popularity only increased. His fans had multiplied and his image had regained the innocence of his early days. The public's anger towards In Woo had only worked in his favor. Seo Joon had no regrets. If his old friend hadn't tried to take advantage of his kindness and blame him, he would have happily helped him. But the days that followed people's ignorance of what really happened at this restaurant were the most painful for his fans. He refused to disappoint them again. He wouldn't let people doubt him anymore. Especially when he wasn't guilty of the things he was blamed for. 

Despite his career once again  under the spotlight, Seo Joon still had not lost his humility. How could he when he had started from nothing ? He knew the sufferings of difficult beginnings, the doubts, the fears too. But to trust life was to take things as they came. Seo Joon was like that. Anyone who knew him had never seen him fall apart in the face of difficulties. Either he accepted them without complaining, or he overcame them. 

Yet something kept bothering him these days. And his depressed mood was really starting to affect people around him. 

"Seo Joon! If you don't tell me right away what's going on, I swear I'm going to strangle you!" Pil Hyun exclaimed, exasperated by his artist's miserable mood.

Seo Joon looked at him for a long moment before sighing. 

"It's nothing..."

"Nothing ? What do you mean it's nothing? You just sighed for the twentieth time, even though it hasn't been an hour since you arrived! You also glare at everyone who speaks to you. And it's been at least THREE TIMES YOU IGNORED ME TO MOPE FOR SOME REASON I DON'T KNOW !" 

On edge, Pil Hyun took a deep breath, before turning to Ho Min, distraught. 

"What did I do to deserve this? Why does my most popular artist have to be so tiring to deal with? Why ? Why me ?" He said, feeling sorry for himself, his head in his hands. 

Ho Min hurriedly brought him coffee, before patting him gently on the back. Seo Joon smiled at the behavior of his friends. Pil Hyun always exaggerated. It was also one of the reasons he liked annoying him. 

"Well, are you going to tell me what's wrong, instead of behaving like a kid? Did you already have an argument with Ji Woo?"

"No !" He hastened to answer. "Everything is perfect between us." 

"So what's your deal ? Why are you pulling a long face?"

 They both looked at him curiously. 

"It's just ... Kim Hyung Ki ..." 

"Kim Hyung Ki ? As in the chef of the restaurant where Ji Woo worked?" 


"I thought he paid you back last week." 

"It's the case." 

"So what's the problem ?" 

The two had moved closer to him in the meantime, eager to hear the end of the story. 

"He took the opportunity to apologize to both of us." He paused, as if searching for his words, Pil Hyun and Ho Min listening carefully. "But since then, he hasn't stopped turning around Ji Woo!" 

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