Baby Shopping

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Derek's pov:

"So looks like this little guy is 2 and a half. He is in fact young, but his knowledge is still the same as before, only he'll be more let's say 'childish' but overall he is as healthy as a horse" Deaton began to explain.

"Hey! Am not little I'm 17"

"Sure you are buddy" he chuckled petting his hair.

"That is definitely a curse. looks like the witch for some reason chose this as her next move. I don't think it's permanent it might wear off in days, weeks, or even months so I'll have to make some research and I'll call you."

We said goodbye and got in the Camaro.

"We need to go shopping and get baby stuff" Stiles said while climbing in the car holding Isaac.

"Want me to drop you off at the loft and go?"

"No we should all go together it'll be fun"


"Stiles that's not fun at all" I grumbled moving Isaac from one hip to the other.
He looked at me, with a bottle in his hand which he had his eyes on for the past 5 minutes.

"Oh Derek don't be so grumpy" He chuckled, putting finally the bottle in the cart.

"I'm not"
"I j-just can't with him tugging my clothes and pulling my hair" I hissed...And again he started crying.


"You don't like me" He sniffled

"Stiwes! Dewek hates me" he started kicking me.

"No no no he doesn't" he took him from me and immediately he buried his head in the crook of Stiles' neck.

"Does he?" he smiled at Isaac and glared at me.

"Of course no" I smiled at him.

"Pwomise?" he put out his pinkie. I knotted my eyebrows "Seriously?" causing me a glare from Stiles. I sighed intertwining our pinkies."I promise"

After we got everything we needed, we headed back to the loft but of course, we had to stop to buy Stiles food. We were all now sitting at the kitchen table eating. Usually, we would all eat together on Fridays but today was just us. Frankly, I was okay not seeing some of their faces because of yesterday, so being only me, my mate and Isaac was perfect right now. It all felt too peaceful. It made me think about our future, kids, and life.

Stiles like he was knowing what I was thinking. He looked at me with his eyes pure of love and mouth full of curly fries and smiled, I couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"What?" he chuckled.

"You are ridiculous"

"Pfft! me?" he played being offended.

"Pftttttt" we both snapped our heads towards that noise.

"What aren't we playin fake fawrts?" he asked all innocently.

At that moment we just looked at each other and burst out laughing

"I guess no?"

"Oh my god make him stop I think I'm gonna pee" Stiles managed to get out between laughs

"O-okay who wants some ice cream" I tried to change the subject and walked up to the freezer.

"Me me! ice cweamm!" he cheered like a baby, but then again he is a baby.

"Thank you da-dewek" he smiled showing all his teeth and gave me a big sloppy kiss on the cheek,

It felt gross but sweet at the same time and I didn't know how to react. Stiles little "awhh" made my cheeks heat up.

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